18 Wedding Poems

Compiled by Julie Hebert - Updated July 6, 2024

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Poems are always a nice addition to any card or gift. Feel free to use these wedding poems to share your wedding wishes with the ones you care about.

Wedding Poems

  1. From Hamlet
    Poet: William Shakespeare

    Doubt thou the stars are fire;
    Doubt that the sun doth move;
    Doubt truth to be a liar;
    But never doubt I love.

  2. Eskimo Love Song
    Poet: Unknown

    You are my husband, you are my wife
    My feet shall run because of you
    My feet dance because of you
    My heart shall beat because of you
    My eyes see because of you
    My mind thinks because of you
    And I shall love, because of you.

  3. Hope is the thing with Feathers
    Poet: Emily Dickinson

    Hope is the thing with feathers
    That perches in the soul,
    And sings the tune without the words,
    And never stops at all,

    And sweetest in the gale is heard;
    And sore must be the storm
    That could abash the little bird
    That kept so many warm.

    I've heard it in the chilliest land,
    And on the strangest sea;
    Yet, never, in extremity
    It asked a crumb of me.

  4. More poems about wedding:

    Getting Married Poems

    Wedding Day Poems

    Christian Wedding Poems

    Wedding Card Poems

    Wedding Poems For Ceremony

  5. To A Kiss
    Poet: Robert Burns

    Humid seal of soft affections,
    Tend'rest pledge of future bliss,
    Dearest tie of young connections,
    Love's first snow-drop, virgin kiss.

    Speaking silence, dumb confession,
    Passion's birth, and infants' play,
    Dove-like fondness, chaste concession,
    Glowing dawn of brighter day.

    Sorrowing joy, adieu's last action,
    Ling'ring lips, -- no more to join!
    What words can ever speak affection
    Thrilling and sincere as thine!

  6. A wedding is a special day, When two now become one.

  7. The One
    Poet: Unknown

    When the one whose hand you're holding
    Is the one one who holds your heart
    When the one whose eyes you gaze into
    Gives your hopes and dreams their start,

    When the one you think of first and last
    Is the one who holds you tight,
    And the things you plan together
    Make the whole world seem just right,

    When the one whom you believe in
    puts their faith and trust in you,
    You've found the one and only love
    You'll share your whole life through.

  8. Apache Wedding Blessing
    by Unknown

    Now you will feel no rain,
    For each of you will be shelter to the other.
    Now you will feel no cold,
    For each of you will be warmth to the other.
    Now there is no loneliness for you,
    For each of you will be companion to the other.
    Now you are two bodies,
    But there is only one life before you.
    Go now to your dwelling place,
    To enter into the days of your togetherness.
    And may your days be good
    and long upon the earth.

  9. Be inspired by these poems:

    Wedding Blessing Poems

    Wedding Poems About Love

    Poems For Wedding Reading

    Funny Wedding Poems

  10. Our Family
    by Unknown

    Our family is a circle of love and strength.
    With every birth and every union, the circle grows.
    Every joy shared adds more love.
    Every obstacle faced together makes the circle stronger.

  11. Our family is a circle of love and strength

  12. To Be One With Each Other
    Poet:George Eliot

    What greater thing is there for two human souls
    than to feel that they are joined
    together to strengthen each other in all labour,
    to minister to each other in all sorrow,
    to share with each other in all gladness,
    to be one with each other in the silent unspoken memories?

  13. Wedding poems for specific people:

    Wedding Poems For The Bride and Groom

    Wedding Poems For Daughter

    Wedding Poems For Sister

    Wedding Poems For Niece

  14. Marriage Advice
    by Jane Wells

    Let your love be stronger than your hate and anger.
    Learn the wisdom of compromise,
    for it is better to bend a little than to break.
    Believe the best rather than the worst.
    People have a way of living up or down to your opinion of them.
    Remember that true friendship is the basis for any lasting relationship.
    The person you choose to marry is deserving of the courtesies and kindnesses you bestow on your friends.
    Please hand this down to your children and your children's children.

  15. The Day
    Poet: Julie Hebert

    Today is the day, I wed my best friend.
    A joyous day it is.
    I will stand up tall and say my vows,
    A Mrs. now, no longer a Ms.

    He is the one I will spend my life with,
    And what a life it will be.
    Our love will overflow into the streets,
    Our life will be filled with glee.

    I must say how happy I am,
    To be here on this day with you.
    We'll share some thoughts, then a kiss,
    Our lives now one, no longer two.

  16. Wedding Fun
    Poet: Julie Hebert

    A wedding is a special day,
    When two now become one.
    The knot gets tied and toasts are made,
    Now its time for the fun!

  17. Toasts for the wedding day:

    Wedding Toasts

    Irish Wedding Toasts and Blessings

  18. Joy
    Poet: Julie Hebert

    Today I awake amazed by the thought,
    I am marrying the man of my dreams.
    I am ready at last with a spring in my step,
    How the joy in my heart beams.

  19. The Bride Is Coming!
    Poet: Thackeray

    Although I enter not, yet round about the spot
    Sometimes I hover;
    And at the sacred gate with longing eyes I wait.
    Expectant of her.

    The minster-bell tolls out above the city's rout.
    And noise and humming;
    They've stopp'd the chiming bell, I hear the organ's swell.
    She's coming - coming!

    My lady comes at last, timid and stepping fast,
    And hast'ning hither
    With modest eyes downcast, she comes - she's here - she's past,
    May Heaven go with her!

  20. Tie The Knot
    Poet: Sheffield

    Come, let us now resolve at last,
    To live and love in quiet:
    We'll tie the knot so very fast,
    That time shall ne'er untie it.

    The truest joys they seldom prove
    Who free from quarrels live;
    'Tis the most tender part of love
    Each other to forgive.

    When least I seem'd concerned, I took
    No pleasure nor no rest:
    And when I feigned an angry look,
    Alas! I loved you best

    Own but the same to me, you'll find
    How blest will be our fate.
    Oh, to be happy, to be kind,
    Sure, never is too late.

  21. A Young Bride Fair As The Morning
    Poet: Edward Moxon

    Fair art thou as the morning, my young bride!
    Her freshness is about thee; like a river
    To the sea gliding, with sweet murmur ever
    Thou sportest; and, wherever thou dost glide,
    Humanity a lovelier aspect wears.
    Fair art thou as the morning of that land
    Where Tuscan breezes in his youth have fann'd
    Thy grandsire oft Thou hast not many tears,
    Save such as pity from the heart will wring;
    And then there is a smile in thy distress!
    Meeker thou art than lily of the spring.
    Yet is thy nature full of nobleness,
    And gentle ways, that soothe and raise me so.
    That henceforth I no worldly sorrow know.

  22. We Look Forward
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    As the morning sun begins to rise,
    Our wedding day draws ever nigh.
    A new chapter unfolds, beautifully so,
    As our lives intertwine and begin to grow.

    With joy in our hearts, we take this path,
    Two souls merging, on love's sacred raft.
    With love and smiles full of grace,
    We eagerly look forward to this new embrace.

  23. Wedding vow thoughts:

    Traditional Wedding Vows

    Wedding Vow Examples

    How To Write Marriage Vows

  24. Happily Ever After
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    A wedding day is so special and grand,
    A day of love, joy and giving your hand.
    Two hearts joined together when vows are said,
    And promises of what this union will spread.

    So much happiness they will share in life,
    Supporting each other through any strife.
    An unbreakable bond for a lifetime,
    A blessed wedding day is onetime.

    A loving marriage happily ever after,
    The two are blessed to have such love and laughter!

  25. Happily Ever After
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Years have flown, now it's your wedding day, ⁤
    ⁤In love and joy, may you both forever stay. ⁤
    ⁤We're thrilled for you, our hearts full of cheer, ⁤
    ⁤Wishing you success and happiness near. ⁤
    ⁤Here's to your union, sealed with love's sweet kiss,
    ⁤ ⁤May your marriage be filled with abundant bliss. ⁤

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