60 Quotes about Giving

Let these quotes about giving inspire you to be generous with your time and money. Helping others by giving can make a huge impact on someone's life. If you want to make a difference in this world then give! You may also be inspired by these poems about giving.

Quotes & Sayings - quotes about giving

  1. Helping, giving, and spreading cheer,
    Bringing hope to those who need it, near and far.
    C. A. Lynch, The Beauty Of Giving
    Christmas Poems About Giving

  2. A grateful heart filled with love and compassion is the magnet to be able to give to other people in need without any thoughts of getting something in return. Theodore W. Higgingsworth - Poems About Today

  3. For in giving to others,
    We'll find the joy that expands.
    C. A. Lynch, A Helping Hand - Poems about Giving To Others

  4. Nothing makes a successful life more complete than lending a helping hand to those in need.  C. A. Lynch, If You Quit - Encouraging Poems

  5. For through compassion, a difference we'll make, in the lives of others, our light will awake. C. A. Lynch, Attitude Makes A Difference - Attitude Poems

  6. In this grand tapestry of life, we weave, appreciation and giving find reprieve. For when selflessness guides our noble intent, we embrace the essence of true content. C. A. Lynch, Appreciation And Giving - Appreciation Poems

  7. What is the definition of giving? In plain language, it is the exact opposite of being selfish and self-centred.
  8. What is the definition of giving? In plain language, it is the exact opposite of being selfish and self-centred. C. A. Lynch - Positive Poems

  9. Flatter not thyself in thy faith in God if thou hast not charity for thy neighbour. Francis Quarles - Christian Poems

  10. Expressing thanks is an act of grace, it honors the giver and strengthens the space C. A. Lynch, Feeling Gratitude - Gratitude Poems

  11. For in giving, we receive so much more,
    Blessings abundant, love and joy galore.
    C. A. Lynch, Let's Extend A Helping Hand

  12. Seek your joy in what you give, and not in what you get. Evan Roberts - Poems About Joy

  13. Life is full of potholes until you help someone else fill in their own. Julie Hebert - Poems on Life

  14. What you give happily, always comes back to you in one form or another. C. A. Lynch - Happy Poems

  15. The greatest gift you can give a friend is your presence, and the greatest gift a friend can give you is their understanding. C. A. Lynch - Poems About Friends

  16. But with true success comes great reward, in helping others you will always afford.
  17. But with true success comes great reward, in helping others you will always afford. Julie Hebert, Not Just Wealth - Poems About Success

  18. Mother gives her all, in every way, and teaches by example each and every day. - C. A. Lynch, Motherhood Is - Motherhood Poems

  19. In giving to others, We break the chains of greed. C. A. Lynch, Circle Of Love

  20. When you volunteer your time to help others whether that be one person or a group of people as you might find attending a foodbank, you are giving freely without reserve. Tom S. Gold - Time Poems

  21. Christmas time is here. . . .a time for giving - where helping only seems fitting. C. A. Lynch, A Time For Giving - Christmas Poems

  22. For in giving, we receive so much more,
    Let's be vessels of love, forevermore.
    C. A. Lynch, A Time To Share

  23. Sowing today, thought seeds so apt, teachers give tomorrow their start. C. A. Lynch, Sowing Seeds - Poems To Inspire Teachers

  24. Happiness in life does not depend on the amassing of wealth but rather the unselfish giving to others who are less fortunate or who have experienced a tragedy in their life. Samatha C. Ringle - Quotes about Life Happiness

  25. I want to focus on God’s grace and give thanks for all the good things in my life. I don’t want to focus on what I don’t have. Joyce Meyer - Thankful For Poems

  26. I never fully realized what it is to be happy and content until I began helping people in need.
  27. I never fully realized what it is to be happy and content until I began helping people in need. R. R. W. Rivers - Monday Quotes

  28. A father's love is a gift that keeps on giving, enriching the lives of his children with every moment he spends with them C. A. Lynch - Fathers Day Poems

  29. Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it. Wright Edelman - Quotes About Education

  30. Through giving, we transform societies, Bringing hope, love, and infinite possibilities. C. A. Lynch, A World Transformed

  31. The legend of Santa Claus may be centuries old, but his message of love and giving is timeless and universal. Author Unknown - Quotes About Santa Claus

  32. You care for others so unselfishly - the epitome of a giving one.  C. A. Lynch, A Giving Person - Thank You Poems

  33. One of the most satisfying aspects of life is to give away a portion of yourself in order to benefit someone else. B. J. Thomas Worthington - Quotes That Inspire

  34. It is in the act of giving freely to others that a person becomes worthy of life. B. R. Clement - Kindness Quotes

  35. Life is not about the journey to the top; a grace-filled life is more about helping others to climb to whatever heights satisfy their needs. Theodore W. Higgingsworth -
    Quotes That Encourage

  36. Remember that the greatest gift you can give is your presence. Be fully present with others, listen attentively, and offer your support and understanding. C. A. Lynch - Wednesday Quotes

  37.  Your sacrifices, your selfless giving, a testament to a life worth living.
  38. Your sacrifices, your selfless giving, a testament to a life worth living. C. A. Lynch, Dear Dad - Dad Poems From Son

  39. Sharing Grace is God's power and ability to meet our needs and take joy in giving to others. Tony Cooke - Christian Quotes

  40. The greatest joy lies not in what we gain for ourselves, but in the profound impact we can have on the lives of others through a simple act of kindness or a helping hand Author Unknown - Quotes About Joy

  41. I learned to give not because I have much, but because I know exactly how it feels to have nothing. Author Unkown

  42. If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart. Proverb

  43. What is success? Is it an abundance of wealth or reaching the pinnacle of a career? Neither. It is to give more for the benefit of others than what has been given to you. R. R. W. Rivers

  44. The rain of joy falls gently upon the soul when the hands give joyfully to others. B. R. Clements

  45. The moment practicing gratitude daily becomes a habit, you can start to incorporate gratitude for your future. You can start giving gratitude for things that you want but do not have yet. Gabor Cadman

  46. If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one.
  47. If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one. Mother Theresa

  48. See first that you yourself deserve to be a giver and an instrument of giving. For in truth it is life that gives unto life-while you, who deem yourself a giver, is but a witness. Khalil Gibran

  49. Giving is not limited to material things,
    It's also about the love and happiness it brings.
    Khalil Gibran C. A. Lynch, Generosity Within

  50. When one gives, two get happy.   Amit Kalantri

  51. The act of giving freely,
    Can always help to uplift.
      C. A. Lynch, A Helping Hand

  52. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead

  53. Giving is an attitude. It is not dependent on the amount of money in your bank account. It’s a heart issue. John Di Lemme

  54. Charity begins at home, but should not end there. Scottish Proverb

  55. A helping hand that gives freely encourages the hands of others to do the same. Theodore W. Higgingsworth

  56. Every sunrise is an invitation for us to arise and brighten someone’s day. Richelle E. Goodrich

  57. The next time you want to withhold your help, or your love, or your support for another for whatever reason, ask yourself a simple question: do the reasons you want to withhold it reflect more on them or on you? And which reasons do you want to define you forevermore?  Dan Pearce

  58. What do we live for, if not to make life less difficult for each other? George Eliot

  59. Life is an echo. What you send out comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exists in you. Zig Ziglar

  60. Believing that you’re enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic. Brené Brown

  61. A legacy of giving is a testament to life,
    It surpasses time, conquering all strife.
    C. A. Lynch, Legacy of Giving

  62. If there be any truer measure of a man than by what he does, it must be by what he gives.
  63. If there be any truer measure of a man than by what he does, it must be by what he gives.  Robert South

  64. What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.  Albert Pike

  65. I realized that my money would do vastly more good for others than it could for me and decided to make a commitment to donating to the most effective charities I could find. Toby Ord

  66. You are never blessed with earthly possessions to keep to yourself. Blessings are meant to be given freely whether that is through a financial gift or the volunteering of your time to assist those who cry out for assistance.  Tom S. Gold

  67. poems about giving
    Poems about Giving

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