19 Encouraging Poems

Be inspired by our collection of encouraging poems. We all need encouragement in our lives, let these poems uplift you and encourage you to continue to move forward.
By C. A. Lynch - updated August 5, 2024

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  1. Seize The Day
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Yesterday is gone and can't be found,
    Can't be changed do keep moving on
    Tomorrow is not here, don't live for that day
    Who is to say tomorrow will even come our way?

    Living is a fragile thing, so make today count,
    A gracious gift that's too often forgotten about.
    Focus on the good and strive for the best,
    Seize the day and leave regret at rest.

  2. Speak No Ill
    Poet: Charles Swain

    Nay, speak no ill! a kindly word
    Can never leave a sting behind:
    And, oh! to breathe each tale we've heard
    Is far beneath a noble mind.
    Full oft a better seed is sown,
    By choosing thus the kinder plan;
    For if but little good be known,
    Still let us speak the best we can.

    Give us the heart that fain would hide,
    Would fain another's faults efface;
    How can it please e'en human pride
    To prove humanity but base?
    No! let us reach a higher mood,
    A nobler sentiment of man;
    Be earnest in the search of good,
    And speak of all the best we can.

    Then speak no ill, but lenient be
    To other's failings as your own;
    If you're the first a fault to see,
    Be not the first to make it known.
    For life is but a passing day,
    No lip may tell how brief its span;
    Then, oh ! the little time we stay,
    Let's speak of all the best we can.

  3. A Successful Life
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Nothing makes a successful life more complete
    Than lending a helping hand to those in need.
    The measure of success can't be found in profit or in pay
    But rather, success is in the care and kindness that we give away.

    It's not about how much you have, no matter the dollar amount
    But how you choose to treat people, is what truly counts!
    Life is truly successful when we love and serve others too
    You will find that this success will always come back to you.

  4. Be encouraged to find success:

    Poems About Focus

    Poems About Success

    Poems About Potential

  5. Focus On The Positive
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Don't let your problems consume your life,
    An attitude of hope will see you through strife.
    Take the obstacles one at a time
    Going slowly, one step at a time is truly no crime.

    Do the best you can, take problems in stride,
    Your common sense and values will be your guide.
    Remember your goals; to them stay true
    Focus on the positive and just push through.

  6. Focus on the positive and just push through.

  7. If You Quit
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    If you quit today, you won't succeed
    Try one more time, do not concede.
    Remember you are not a failure,
    To every challenge, a solution can be tailored.

    Break obstacles that are blocking your way,
    Your dreams will come true if you don't sway.
    Don't be discouraged by challenges seen,
    If you try again you may reach your dream!

  8. Be encouraged to overcome issues:

    Overcoming Obstacles Poems

    Poems About Challenges

  9. Our Attitude
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    It's easy to be happy when all is going well,
    When our plans come together and all is swell.
    But when the storms of life do appear
    Is our attitude one of fear?

    Do we persevere and overcome,
    Or do we sit and feel so glum?
    Our attitude will determine the course
    A positive attitude can be a winning source.

  10. A positive attitude can be a winning source.

  11. Life's Struggles
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Life's struggles can be heavy and hard,
    Making us feel broken, scarred.
    Don't focus on the mountain or the mound,
    Keep pushing forward, one step bound.

    Tomorrow has new hope to find,
    Focus on the good, leave the rest behind.
    Rise up stronger, cast troubles afar,
    Take each challenge as a chance to climb higher.

  12. Be inspired by these poems:

    Poems About Life Struggles

    Poems About Hard Times

  13. Give Them The Flowers Now
    Poet: Leigh M. Hodges

    Closed eyes can't see the white roses;
    Cold hands can't hold them, you know;
    Breath that is stilled cannot gather
    The odors that sweet from them blow.
    Death, with a peace beyond dreaming
    Its children of earth doth endow;
    Life is the time we can help them,
    So give them the flowers now.

    Here are the struggles and striving;
    Here are the cares and the tears;
    Now is the time to be smoothing
    The frowns and the furrows and fears.
    What to closed eyes are kind sayings?
    What to hushed heart is deep vow?
    Naught can avail after parting,
    So give them the flowers now.

    Just a kind word or a greeting,
    Just a warm grasp or a smile
    These are the flowers that will lighten
    The burdens for many a mile.
    After the journey is over
    What is the use of them; how
    Can they carry them who must be carried?
    O, give them the flowers now.

    Blooms from the happy heart's garden
    Plucked in the spirit of love;
    Blooms that are earthly reflections
    Of flowers that blossom above.
    Words cannot tell what a measure
    Of blessing such gifts will allow
    To dwell in the lives of many,
    So give them the flowers now.

  14. Stick-To-It
    Poet: Julie Hebert

    Stick to it, don't give up or lose hope
    Stick to it, this attitude will help you cope.
    Stick to it, when the going gets tough,
    Stick to it, don't give in, and don't give up.

    Be encouraged by what you have done,
    Be encouraged, and give each challenge a run.
    Be encouraged by what others have achieved
    Be encouraged, and believe.

  15. Let these poems be encouraging to you:

    Attitude Poems

    Opportunity Poems

    Poems About Work

  16. Encouraging Words
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Encouraging words of hope,
    Secure and promise-filled;
    Purposeful in their scope,
    Kindly they instill.

    Encouraging hugs, tight and true,
    Sharing stronger bonds than spoken words could;
    Assuring me that I’m alright,
    In times when worry was my mood.

    Encouraging beliefs, faithfully yours,
    You shared without lack or pause;
    They fortify my heart with strength anew -
    I give you all my grateful applause.

    Your encouraging thoughts have seen me through,
    Pushing me to heights you knew I could do;
    For all that you’ve done and your encouragement -
    Know that I appreciate you!

  17. When Disappointment Rocks Your Day
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    If failure brings dismay,
    And disappointment rocks your day,
    Don't give in to all the strain;
    Look for other ways to gain.

    Dust yourself off, start anew;
    Study harder until breakthroughs ensue.
    Reach out for help, talk it through;
    Try again till you make it through.

  18. Poems encouraging you to keep going:

    Poems About Failure

    Poems About Mistakes

    Poems About Fear

  19. Shaping A Future
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    In the boundless realm of tomorrow's light,
    Encouragement dances with hearts so bright.
    A beacon that guides us through the night,
    Igniting passions, igniting might.

    For in its embrace, dreams take flight,
    Boldly shaping a future so infinite.
    With every step we dare to take,
    Encouragement stands strong in our progress we make.

  20. Look For The Good
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    When life is hard and you feel down
    Put on a smile and not a frown
    Better days will soon appear
    Look for the good, not the fear.

    Life is hard when your focus is gloom
    Believe that life is not all doom.
    Focus on the good in life
    And it will take away some of the strife.

  21. Poems that will inspire you:

    Perseverance Poems

    Poems About Determination

    Procrastination Poems

    Poems About Courage

  22. Life Is Like A Rainbow
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Life is like a rainbow, sun and showers, it can bring.
    Good times and challenging times, this life does swing.
    The storm that comes and lingers, causes us dismay.
    We try to push through the obstacles that threaten our day.

    Dark days come with tears that make us sad.
    But always remember they pass and then we feel glad.
    In life changes, look for the light.
    Remember, adversity passes just like the night!

  23. Life is like a rainbow, sun and showers, it can bring.

  24. A Good Plan
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Learn all you can, it's a good plan,
    Develop your skills to the best you can,
    Share your knowledge in a way that's grand
    To others be an inspiration, lend a hand.

    A good education brings you to higher ground,
    Seeing things differently, new things to be found.
    Fuel the minds of others and watch them soar,
    A good education will open new doors!

  25. If I Could Encourage...
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    If I could encourage you with anything,
    It would be to keep your focus on your goal;
    For focus is the key to go far and win,
    And determination will always play a vital role.

    Perseverance will conquer every stumbling stone,
    Your passion can create marvels worth known.
    So, gear up with a focused mind and dazzling soul,
    For you're destined to reap success beyond control.

  26. Let these poems encourage you:

    Christian Poems For Encouragement

    Poems About Honesty

    Worry Poems

  27. Each Choice
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    In life's grand garden, we sow our own seed,
    Each choice we make, a cause to proceed.
    Like footprints on a virgin shore,
    The paths we walk forever store.

    To the dawn of future, each choice is tied,
    In the book of destiny, nothing can hide.
    So tread with care in this fleeting hour,
    For every decision holds its own power.

  28. Don't Let Change
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Do not let change push you to despair,
    Embrace it with curiosity, if you dare.
    Paint the unknown not as a fearsome night,
    But a canvas waiting for dawn's first light.

    Be open minded, choose to see
    The hidden gifts in life's decree.
    In every change, good will be found,
    Life's blessings often come around.

  29. Words of encouragement:

    Poems About Change

    Poems About Choices

  30. Be The Encourager
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Be that person who lifts others up
    One who takes the high road and never gives up,
    Always humble, never arrogant or proud
    Spreading joy alone or in a crowd.

    Let your words be kind not brash or callous;
    Be that one that helps with no enmity or malice.
    Don't be the one who is the criticizer
    Be that person who is the encourager.

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