16 Happy Poems
A collection of happy poems that describe the feeling of happiness. May the verses start your day with a smile. You will find these Poets have shared some secrets of what it takes to be happy.
Wise words to reflect upon if you desire a happy life.
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Happy Poems
Just imagine if we were always happy, if we had no challenges, no issues in life. Would we even appreciate constant happiness? We would never learn, or have to set goals or figure out what it is we want. The poem below
drives home this point.
If We Were Always Happy
Poet: J. Besemeres
If none were sick, and none were sad,
What service could we render?
I think, if we were always glad,
We scarcely could be tender.
Did our beloved never need
Our patient ministration.
Earth would grow cold, and miss indeed
Its sweetest consolation.
If sorrow never claimed our heart,
And every wish were granted,
Patience would die, and hope depar
Life would be disenchanted.
A Happy Day
Poet: Unknown
A heart full of thankfulness,
A thimbleful of care;
A soul of simple hopefulness,
An early morning prayer.
A smile to greet the morning with;
A kind word as the key
To open the door and greet the day.
Whatever it brings to thee.
A patient trust in Providence,
To sweeten all the way,
All these combined with thoughtfulness,
Will make a happy day.
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Smile The Gloom Away
Poet: Bryant
Is this a time to be cloudy and sad,
When our Mother Nature laughs around,
When even the deep-blue heavens look glad,
And gladness breathes from the blossoming ground?
There are notes of joy from the hang-bird and wren,
And the gossip of swallows through all the sky
The ground-squirrel gayly chirps by his den,
And the wilding bee hums merrily by.
And look at the broad-faced sun, how he smiles
On the dewy earth, that smiles in his ray,
On the leaping waters and gay young isles, -
Ay, look, and he'll smile thy gloom away.
Feeling Great
Poet: C. A. Lynch
I woke up this morning feeling great,
My bedhead hair looked so irate.
I brushed my teeth and washed my face,
Then realized I wore my shirt the wrong way in its place.
But who cares I thought, it's a brand new day,
I'll just wear it like this - it's the new way to play.
So smile all around and gigs aplenty,
Today's the day where we're all happy-go-lucky!
Make Others Happy
Poet: Daniel C. Colesworthy
I would not on a happy face
A shade of sorrow bring,
Nor in a gentle bosorn place
A vicious thought to sting.
I would not cause from laughing eyes
A single tear to start,
Nor rouse forgotten memories
To shade the sunny heart.
I deem it sin, when we can light
The thorny path of gloom,
And make the cheek of sorrow bright,
The tearful eye illume,
A word to breathe, a look to cast,
That stings a human breast,
Or make a painful feeling last,
When life should all be blest.
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Retirement Is Happiness
Poet: C. A. Lynch
Retirement years, a time to shine,
Be happy and live each day divine,
No boss to please, no schedule to keep,
Do what you want, sleep while others leap.
Garden all day, or travel afar,
Savour your hobbies like a caviar.
Retirement is happiness, let's rejoice,
Each moment our own, every choice our choice!
Happy Or Sad
Poet: C. A. Lynch
In the realm of emotions, I hold the key,
To be happy or sad is up to me.
With every sunrise, a choice is unveiled,
A chance to be jubilant, and never derailed.
Oh, what power lies within my hand,
To mold my fate like shifting sand.
Each day anew, with endless possibility,
I embrace this joyous opportunity!
For happiness resides not in circumstance,
But in the bold choices that I advance.
Watch The Corners
Poet: Lulu Linton
When you wake up in the morning of a chill and cheerless day.
And feel inclined to grumble, pout, or frown.
Just glance into your mirror and you will quickly see
It s just because the comers of your mouth turn down.
Then take this simple rhyme.
Remember it in time:
It s always dreary weather, in countryside or town.
When you wake and find the comers of your mouth turned down.
If you wake up in the morning full of bright and happy thoughts
And begin to count the blessings in your cup.
Then glance into your mirror and you will quickly see
It's all because the comers of your mouth turn up.
Then take this little rhyme.
Remember all the time:
There's joy a-plenty in this world to fill life's silver cup
If you'll only keep the comers of your mouth turned up.
We sometimes think the grass is greener on the other side, and if we had it we would be happy. But what this poem points out is those wishing, for one thing, will find when they get it they realize they were happy where they were and things are not always happier on the other side.
Poet: Unknown
An old farmhouse, with meadows wide
And sweet with clover on either side;
A bright-eyed boy, who looks from out
The door, with woodbine wreathed about
And wishes this one thought all the day:
"Oh, if I could but fly away
From this dull spot, the world to see.
How happy, O how happy.
How happy I would be."
Amid the city's constant din
A man who 'round the world has been:
Who, 'mid the tumult and the throng.
Is thinking, thinking all day long:
"Oh, could I only tread once more
The field-path to the farmhouse door.
The old, green meadows could I see,
How happy, O how happy,
How happy I would be."
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Be Merry, Friends
Poet: John Heywood
Be merry with sorrow, wise men have said;
Which saying, being wisely weighed,
It seems a lesson truly laid
For those whom sorrows still invade:
Be merry, friends!
Make ye not two sorrows of one;
For of one grief grafted alone,
To graft a sorrow thereupon,
A sourer crab we can graft none:
Be merry, friends!
Man hardly hath a richer thing
Than honest mirth, the which well-spring
Watereth the roots of rejoicing,
Feeding the flowers of flourishing:
Be merry, friends!
Do Not Worry
Poet: Unknown
Be more cheerful; do not worry:
There is time enough to do
Every day the daily duties
That your Father sendeth you,
And to find some little moments
For heart-music fresh and new.
What To Forget
by Unknown
If you would increase your happiness and prolong your life,
forget your neighbor's faults.
Forget all the slander you have ever heard.
Forget the temptations.
Forget the fault finding, and give a little thought to the cause which provoked it.
Forget the peculiarities of your friends, and only remember the good points which make you fond of them.
Forget all personal quarrels or histories you may have heard by accident, and which, if repeated, would seem a thousand times worse than they are.
Blot out as far as possible all the disagreeables of life: they will come, but will only grow larger when you remember them, and the constant thought of the acts of meanness, or, worse still, malice, will only tend to make you more familiar with them.
Obliterate everything disagreeable from yesterday, start out with a dean sheet today, and write upon it for sweet memory's sake only those things which are lovely and lovable.
Happy At Heart
Poet: Mrs. Z. B. Gustafsott
My name is April, sir: and I
Often laugh, as often cry;
And I cannot tell what makes me!
Only, as the fit overtakes me,
I must dimple, smile, and frown,
Laughing, though the tears roll down.
But 'tis nature, sir, not art;
And I'm happy at my heart.
When a woman is getting ready to be married, they are blissfully happy for what is to come as well as a little emotional
of what they may be leaving behind. This poem is a great reminder of how although a bride is moving forward with their life and their new love,
their past will always be there waiting for a visit from memories past.
Blissfully Happy
Poet: Author Unknown
Let's spend this time in total harmony,
Laughing and having a good time
A single woman you soon will not be,
And we�ll be watching you get married in no time.
Until then we will celebrate your single days,
While honoring this choice you have made.
Many blessings to you and your husband to be,
To the wonderful woman you�ve always portrayed.
We will raise a toast to your days behind,
And to the days your future will hold.
With so many life decisions to make,
Together you will be in total control.
Although you will be moving ahead,
Your past will always be here.
Come for a visit down memory land,
None of it will disappear.
Instead, new memories will be forged,
The only ones two people in love can make.
Be blissfully happy, as I know you are,
No need to pinch yourself as you awake.
And if tough times shall find you both,
I pray a blessing to help you through.
May God give you all the marital skills you will need,
To create a strong marriage for you two.
Go For The Thrill
Poet: Julie Hebert
Days have passed,
Time is fleeting.
Your hard work,
Never defeating.
You gave it your best
And retirement's calling.
Though you'll be missed,
We all keep on bawling.
Live life to the fullest,
Make all that you can.
For each day ahead,
Enjoy and be glad!
Laughter and joy,
Just like your climb up the hill.
So take this new chance
And just go for the thrill!
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Wisdom Poems
Poet: Edgar A. Guest
If the sunbeams will not start you to rejoicing,
If the laughter of your babies you can hear
Without little songs of gladness gayly voicing,
If their dancing doesn't drive away your tear;
If you don't find happiness where they are playing.
If they do not make your pathways bright and simny,
Then gladness from your heart has gone a-straying
And you won't be any happier with money.
If the blue skies bending over you don't thrill you,
If the roses just a-bursting into bloom
With a sense of perfect pleasure do not fill you,
If the song birds do not chase away your gloom;
If you cannot find contentment in your cottage
Then your heart for joy has not become a chalice.
If you cannot, smiling, eat your simple pottage.
Then you'd not be any happier in a palace.
If a troop of healthy, laughing boys and lassies
Doesn't strike you as a reason to rejoice;
If the glories of the earth, when winter passes.
You behold and still retain a whining voice;
If it doesn't rouse your spirits to go fishing.
Then your heart is but a cupboard for despair,
And for money all in vain today you're wishing.
You'd make a most unhappy millionaire.
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