17 Thank You Poems

Express your gratitude for that special person who has made a difference in your life with one of our thank you poems.

We offer general thank you poems, and ones that are for a specific person, poems to say thank you to a teacher, friend, Mom, volunteers, coworkers, parents, God, Pastor, and Grandma.

Best Wishes Quotes   |   Gratitude Poems    |   Thank You Poems

  1. Grateful For You
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    I'm grateful for your ear,
    For the way you understand without fear.
    No matter what I've done or said,
    You give me strength and courage instead.

    Though judgment may be heard from many,
    You only bring with you empathy.
    Your unwavering support I highly prize,
    My heart is soothed by your wise advice.

  2. Thankful For You
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    When life got heavy,
    Your words always were steady,

    You were always there,
    Showing me encouragement and so much care.

    My heart for you holds no bound or measure,
    Your support is such a treasure.

    Whey I'm in despair, by myself afraid and blue,
    I know that I can always count on you.

    There are many folks I am thankful for,
    But you'll always be the one I count more!

  3. More poems that express thanks:

    Thankful For Poems

    Poems About Blessings

    Appreciation Poems

  4. Thank You
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Thank you for shining a light on dark, lonely days
    For being there I'm forever grateful and filled with praise.
    You patiently listened to each worry that I had to share
    The support you have given me, you truly do care.

    Your presence is so comforting, thank you with all my heart
    You encouraged me when I didn't want to even start.
    I can sense the unspoken support in each thoughtful word
    An unwavering source of warmth, your kindness can be heard.

  5. Thank you for shining a light on dark, lonely days For being there I'm forever grateful
    Thank You Quotes

  6. You Are A Dear
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    A thank you for the hug when I feel blue
    For the encouragement and care, you always do.
    You're always dependable and listen so true
    You were there in moments that were hard to get through.

    No matter the task, your support stayed strong
    Helping me to determine right from wrong.
    Your belief in me kept my head held high
    Your words carried me through and encouraged me to try.

    For every word, for every hug, for your listening ear
    I am so thankful, you truly are a dear!

  7. Thank You Teacher Poems

    Expressing our thanks to teachers is something we should do. You may also want to share one of our Poems To Inspire Teachers.

  8. A Debt Of Gratitude
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    My teacher, you give me guidance each day,
    Your kind words inspired me in every way.
    Your patience and understanding prove you’re grand!
    You nurture and encourage with a firm but caring hand.

    Trouble I meet, but with your help I come through,
    My hours spent learning could never claim to be few.
    For your inspiration, mentorship and guidance so true,
    I owe you a debt of gratitude - many thanks to you!

  9. Thank You For Being There
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    A teacher, a mentor, a true guide,
    Your faith in me is laudable and far-reaching and wide.
    My pathway has not been easy but you've cleared the way to go,
    You show support without fail and your blessings overflow.

    With your guidance at each step, they have put me in the lead,
    And now I thank you for getting me through - with patience indeed.
    For believing in me no matter what did come my way,
    Thank you teacher for being there to see me through each day.

  10. Thank You Friend Poems

    You may also find Poems About Friends that express your appreciation for your friends.

  11. A Friend Like You
    Poet: Julie Hebert

    I thank God for a friend like you,
    I appreciate all that you do.
    To you, I give my gratitude,
    You influence my life with your positive attitude.
    I count my blessings when I think of you,
    A trusted confidant through and through!

  12. Forever Grateful
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Friend, I'm grateful for your affection,
    Your thoughtfulness and kind reflections.
    Your words of love and encouragement,
    Soothing stress, providing sustenance.

    Wherever I am, you are my cheerleader,
    In life's stages always a great feature.
    Your tireless support means everything to me;
    My wish is to be a friend like thee.

  13. Thank You Mom Poems

    We should always express gratitude to our Mothers. You may also find Mom Poems that say "thanks Mom"!

  14. Thanks, Mom
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Thank you Mom for all you do,
    For the gifts of love and support too.
    Your dedication goes far beyond measure,
    Your encouraging words I certainly treasure.

    A Mother's love is exceptional and unique,
    To have you as my Mom will never be obsolete.
    My appreciation for you is heartfelt and sincere,
    Thank you, Mom, for being here!

  15. No One Can Compare
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Mom, you’re an angel sent from above,
    Every day I thank God for your love.

    Your love is strong, patient, and kind,
    No one could ever take your place in my mind.

    Mom, you shared your wisdom in every way,
    Guidance and encouragement you gave each day;

    You’re the best mother ever to me,
    My love for you, I hope you see.

    Thank you Mom for all you do -
    No one can compare to you.

  16. Thank You To My Parents Poems

    Our parents give us more than we realize, we should always tell them what they mean to us.

  17. My Shining Stars
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Thank you, Mom and Dad, you're shining stars,
    Sacrifices that you have made have left me in awe,
    You gave me a home full of support and love,
    For parents like you, I thank God above.

    Your patience and wisdom were always so dear
    Always there with a hug, to dry my tears,
    No words can describe what you mean to me;
    Thank you for loving me so unconditionally.

  18. Thank You Volunteer Poems

    Volunteers give their time but more importantly give their love and care to others.

  19. Words Can't Express Our Thanks
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Thank you the words don't seem to express
    How you influence other people's happiness.
    You share your kindness and love in your heart,
    And comfort those who feel torn apart.

    Words can't seem to express our thanks to you,
    It is really so great all that you do.
    Your attitude and actions show how much you care,
    Thank you for volunteering and for the love that you share.

  20. A Giving Person
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    You're a giving person, that's plain to see
    That sets you apart from us all
    You give your time and support gladly
    No matter the ask, you never stall.

    Your encouragement is like a shining light
    Showing us all what can be done
    You care for others so unselfishly
    The epitome of a giving one.

    Thank you for all that you do
    Your generosity warms our hearts so much,
    It truly does not go unnoticed
    Our lives you have touched.

  21. Thank You God Poems

    We have so many blessings which we should always give thanks to God for. You may also find poems to remind you of this, read our collection of Poems About Giving Thanks To God.

  22. Thank You, Lord
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Thank you, Lord, for your love and grace,
    For being with us no matter what we face.
    By sending Jesus to lead the way,
    For giving us hope of Easter day.

    For the beauty of this world so fair,
    For the flowers, trees, and the air.
    We thank you with our hearts and soul,
    For life with You is truly made whole.

    Thank you for the blessings the day brings,
    And being with us if we have suffering,
    All of these blessings are heaven-sent,
    Thank you, Lord, for being so loving and patient.

  23. Thank You Pastor Poems

    We should always take the time to thank our Pastors!

  24. Shepherd Us
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Pastor, you shepherd us in God's ways,
    God's word bring us hope in times of despair and haze.
    Your devotion to God sets an example for mankind,
    To help us find solace from all worldly binds.

    Thank you for teaching us God’s holy word,
    To guide us closer, as His words are heard.
    Your ways show us that He is always here,
    Protecting us when life brings pain and fear.

    Thank you for your unconditional love,
    Love like shown in heaven above
    Thank you as you serve in strength and grace,
    A sower to share God's love and true faith.

  25. Thank You Grandma Poems

    Our Grandma's play an important role in our lives. You may also find a poem for her at Poems about Grandma

  26. My Grandma, So Wise and Kind
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    My Grandma, you are so wise and kind
    I can feel your love for me, it remains in my heart and mind.
    I am filled with gratitude and joy for your support and love
    Your wisdom guides me, a blessing from God above.

    You have been there always throughout all of life’s trails
    Your hug and smile ease my worries whenever I'm sad or in distress.
    When troubles arise, I do not fear, as you are always near
    Thank you, Grandma, your guidance has been invaluable throughout the years.

  27. your guidance has been invaluable throughout the years thank you

    Thank You Coworker Poems

    We spend a lot of time with our coworkers. Express your appreciation for them!

  28. Side by Side
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    We worked together side by side,
    Through life's stormy weather
    Every moment was fun –
    In work and play forever

    You are more than a coworker,
    So much more indeed
    A friend who will always ease worries
    With a kind deed

    Thanks to you,
    hard days are easier to bear.
    You trust my ideas
    And always give a listening ear

    Your optimism encouraged us
    No matter the current state.
    On you, we could always depend,
    I thank you, you, we appreciate.

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