22 Christian Poems

As Christians it is important to keep the faith in what we watch, hear, and read. Reading and sharing Christian poems is one way of doing that. We have poems about blessings, heaven, and even losing faith. Read through our collection to find a poem that suits your needs best of all.

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  1. Prayer Is A Way
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Prayer is a way
    To say thank you for this day.
    A way to talk with God
    The first time may feel a bit odd
    But God always hears
    And never doubt that He is near.
    Although He already knows
    Prayer is a way to show
    Our trust we put in Him
    Even when our world seems dim.

  2. Faith Is...
    Poet: Tom S. Gold

    Faith is believing in...
    Faith is trusting in...
    Faith is hoping in...
    Faith is seeing the creation of...
    Faith is feeling the presence of...
    The Almighty Living God.

  3. Faith is feeling the presence of...The Almighty Living God.

  4. Thank God
    Poet: B. R. Clement

    So thankful we should be
    That we have a God who gives us choice and sets us free
    Thank Him each and every day
    God is with you always.

  5. You may also find encouragement in these poems:

    Poems About God

    Poems About God's Love

    Poems About God's Mercy

    Poems About Salvation

  6. I Can Only Dream
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Heaven I can only dream
    Of a place where there is no more tears
    Where joy and happiness will be
    Where there will be no fears.
    A place where peace is found
    Oh, what a glorious place
    Where Jesus will walk the grounds.

  7. Turn To The Lord
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    In the shadows of despair, some hearts may sway,
    When storms of life engulf, they turn away.
    Blaming God for trials, in their darkest plight,
    Forgetting He's the source of eternal light.

    In trials and tribulations, the path turns rough,
    Yet some forsake the Lord when times are tough.
    They point accusing fingers, placing blame,
    But God's love, unwavering, remains the same.

    He, the Comforter in times of despair,
    Yearning for hearts to seek, to trust, to share.
    Yet, some, in their anguish, choose to depart,
    Blaming the Shepherd when lost from the heart.

    In adversity's grip, let faith arise,
    Turn not away when tears cloud the skies.
    For God, in His mercy, is always near,
    To wipe away the doubt, to calm the fear.

    Seek His solace in the midst of the storm,
    Let faith be the anchor, strong and warm.
    Blame not the One who loves without end,
    In His embrace, brokenness can mend.

    For when the going gets tough, turn to the Lord,
    In His promises, find hope well-restored.
    Don't blame the Almighty for life's strife,
    Seek His comfort, the true source of life.

  8. Who Can We Trust
    Poet: B. R. Clement

    Who can we trust no matter what?
    Who will never leave us, never depart?
    Trust in God above,
    He is with you full of love.
    Never will he leave you
    He is with you through and through.
    Trust Him in the good times and in the bad
    He wants you to be happy not to be sad.

  9. Be inspired by these poems:

    Poems About Giving Thanks To God

    Poems About Jesus

    Christian Poems Of Hope

    Christian Poems About Joy

  10. God Blesses Us
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    God blesses us in ways unknown,
    His grace abides, forever shown.
    Sometimes a "no" to prayers we make,
    Is just a way for Him to take
    Us down a path we can't yet see,
    To offer blessings meant to be.
    So trust in Him and all His ways,
    For He blesses us in countless days.

  11. I Love Thy Will
    Poet: Bessie Pegg MacLaughlin

    I love thy will, O God!
    Thy blessed, perfect will,
    In which this once rebellious heart
    Lies satisfied and still.

    I love thy will, O God!
    It is my joy, my rest;
    It glorifies my common task,
    It makes each trial blest.

    I love thy will, O God!
    The sunshine or the rain;
    Some days are bright with praise, and some
    Sweet with accepted pain.

    I love thy will, O God!
    O hear my earnest plea,
    That as thy will is done in heaven
    It may be done in me!

  12. In God We Trust
    Trust God Poems

  13. God Is Life and Light
    Poet: Thomas Moore

    Thou art, O God, the life and light
    Of all this wondrous world we see;
    Its glow by day, its smile by night,

    Are but reflections caught from Thee.
    Where'er we turn, Thy Glories shine,
    And all things fair and bright are Thine.

    When Day, with farewell beam, delays
    Among the op'ning clouds of Even,
    And we can almost think we gaze
    Through golden vistas into Heaven

    Those hues that make the sun's decline
    So soft, so radiant, Lord ! are Thine.
    When Night, with wings of starry gloom,
    O'ershadows all the earth and skies,

    Like some dark, beauteous bird, whose plume
    Is sparkling with unnumbered eyes
    That sacred gloom, those fires divine,
    So grand, so countless, Lord! are Thine.

  14. Has Christianity Failed?
    Poet: David V. Bush

    You say Christianity has failed!
    But friend, it has never been tried.
    We have talked, and yea we have prayed,
    But many's the time we have lied.
    We have said we love as God loves
    Our friends as well as our foes;
    Like sinners in the time of Christ
    He could scathe us too with his "woes".

    We have claimed to be Christian and kind,
    But in part, have we lived the truth;
    Yes, only in part, O ye men,
    Yea, rather like heathens, forsooth.
    We say we are Christian, and then
    We live without Christ; He is veiled;
    So we fail in our acts and our deeds,
    Then say 'tis Christ who has failed.

    Why say Christianity has failed,
    When it has never been tried?
    Why call the Master a failure
    When we've put His teachings aside?
    When we live like unto Christ
    Our religion is Christ and not creeds,
    We shall see no failure like war
    To blot the record of deeds.

    'Tis the lack of Christ which has failed,
    Not Christ of Calvary's cross;
    'Tis the lack of Christian instruction
    That records today our great loss.
    'Tis not the Christ who has failed,
    Nay, brother, not Christ and His way,
    'Tis the spirit of mortals instead
    Which has held mankind in its sway.

    When Christ is lived thru and thru,
    No war can our record disgrace,
    For Christ is the one Prince of Peace,
    He then will have the first place.
    So let us not blame this loved One,
    The Christ, who loves every land;
    But rather, O brother, blame someone
    Who mistaught this Lover of Man.

  15. For Christ is the one Prince of Peace

  16. Forgiveness Breaks Cycles
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    In the depths of our souls, a burden lingers,
    Resentment and anger, relentless bringers
    Of sorrow and grief that tarnish the day,
    But forgiveness opens a compassionate way.

    For in releasing the shackles of disdain,
    We sever ties with sorrow's gnawing chain.
    God's way where joy springs anew,
    Forgiveness breaks cycles, making hearts true.

  17. More Christian poems to uplift you:

    Poems On Faith

    Poems About Forgiveness

    Heaven Poems

    Prayer Poems

  18. Divine And Human
    Poet: Lucy Larcom

    Jesus, Saviour, Friend most dear!
    Dwell thou with us daily here!
    By Thine own life teach us this
    How divine the human is!

    One with God, as heart with heart,
    Saviour, lift us where Thou art!
    Join us to His life, through Thine,
    Human still, though all divine!

    O Love, O Friend, Thy name is God!
    Lord of the unseen and the known!
    Thy thoughts the universe have trod,
    With worlds like sands of silver strewn.

    Lead us through these bewildering ways
    Of pain and beauty thou hast trod!
    Thou art our creed, our prayer, our praise,
    O Christ, Thou human heart of God!

  19. Begin the day with God

  20. Rules For Daily Life
    Poet: Unknown

    Begin the day with God:
    Kneel down to him in prayer;
    Lift up thy heart to his abode
    And seek his love to share.

    Open the Book of God,
    And read a portion there;
    That it may hallow all thy thoughts
    And sweeten all thy care.

    Go through the day with God,
    Whate'er thy work may be;
    Where'er thou art--at home, abroad,
    He still is near to thee.

    Converse in mind with God;
    Thy spirit heavenward raise;
    Acknowledge every good bestowed,
    And offer grateful praise.

    Conclude the day with God:
    Thy sins to him confess;
    Trust in the Lord's atoning blood,
    And plead his righteousness.

    Lie down at night with God,
    Who gives his servants sleep;
    And when thou tread'st the vale of death
    He will thee guard and keep.

  21. Finding All In Jesus
    Poet: George Matheson

    O Love that wilt not let me go,
    I rest my weary soul on thee;
    I give thee back the life I owe,
    That in thine ocean depth its flow
    May richer, fuller be.

    O Light that followest all my way,
    I yield my flickering torch to thee;
    My heart restores its borrowed ray,
    That in thy sunshine's blaze its day
    May brighter, fairer be.

    O Joy that seekest me through pain,
    I cannot close my heart to thee;
    I trace the rainbow through the rain,
    And feel the promise is not vain,
    That morn shall tearless be.

    O Cross that liftest up my head,
    I dare not ask to fly from thee;
    I lay in dust life's glory dead,
    And from the ground there blossoms red
    Life that shall endless be.

  22. God's Mercy Endures
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    In the depths of sorrow, mercy divine,
    Shines forth with grace that eternally aligns.
    Overflowing compassion, ever pure,
    God’s mercy endures, steadfast and sure.

    When darkness surrounds, His light remains,
    Restoring broken hearts from life's stains.
    With open arms, He welcomes all who seek,
    God's mercy abounds – profound and meek.

  23. With open arms, He welcomes all who seek, God's mercy abounds

  24. Divine Peace And Joy
    Poet: J. L. Spaulding

    O Highest and best source of all,
    From out the midst of infinite mystery of suffering,
    We look to Thee!

    On Thee our faith and hope and love,
    On Thee our need and despair, still call.
    We cannot grasp Thy being or comprehend Thy ways.

    We can but know Thy truth,
    Thy goodness, and Thy beauty. It is enough,
    Thou art with us; in Thee we live.

    What Thou doest is eternally right;
    On Thee we throw the burden of our lives.

    Thou art, Thou hast ever been, Thou shalt be forever;
    Thou holdest us ever in sight whether we
    Live or whether we die.

    We weary of everything, of labor, of rest,
    Of pleasure, of success, of the company of friends,
    And of our own, but not of the divine presence
    Uttering itself in hope and love, in peace and joy.

  25. Christian words to consider:

    Prayer Quotes

    Quotes About God

    Christian Quotes

  26. Strength VS. Fainting
    Poet: Gloria G. Hunnex

    O pilgrim bound for heaven's goal,
    And toiling day by day
    To lead some other precious soul
    Into the narrow way,
    How stands thy courage, faith, and hope
    When in adversity?
    How wears thy robe of righteousness
    Of spotless purity?

    And when the battle waxes hot,
    And foes oppress thee hard,
    Art thou inclined to falter then
    And in the race retard?
    If this should be thy lot, dear soul,
    This message then is thine;
    And as we read the blessed Book
    We'll see some truth divine.

    Although thy trembling heart seems faint,
    Thy strength seems very small,
    Yet thou the goodness of the Lord
    Shalt see when thou shalt call;
    For he who calmly waits on God
    In humble secret prayer,
    Shall surely have his strength renewed
    While he is lingering there.

    God giveth power to the faint;
    To them that have no might
    Increaseth he their strength when they
    Are bent to do the right.
    Let courage, then, embrace thy heart;
    Trust that unfailing Word
    With its inspiring promises -
    The sweetest ever heard.

    Acquaint thee now thyself with God;
    Faint not at his reproof,
    But pray, and let his own dear hand
    Arrange thy warp and woof,
    So that thy garments shall be made
    Of linen that's the best -
    The kind that smells not of the flame
    Of any fiery test.

    Yes, manfully unsheathe thy sword
    And exercise the power
    That thou hast gained while waiting in
    Devotion's quiet hour;
    And when the battle thou hast fought
    By order of thy King,
    Thou then shalt bask in victory
    And songs of triumph sing.-

    And how much greater is the joy
    And consolation then
    To know thou valiantly didst fight-
    Shrank not, like fainting men!
    Then question not thy strength again,
    Nor idly spend thy days;
    Be strong - acknowledge thy God,
    In all thy works and ways.

  27. Be inspired by these Christian poems:

    Blaming God

    God The Maker

  28. Trust
    Poet: David V. Bush

    I know why once the desert wind
    Beat o'er my pathway so;
    And why no safety I could find
    As on I stumbled slow;
    Too much I left to my proud will,
    Too oft I said  "I must;"
    I would not list to "Peace, be still,"
    Nor would I wait and trust.

    But since I learned God's law supreme.
    And trusted to His power,
    The desert is a distant dream.
    And roses are in flower;
    The wind no more my way distracts.
    But fans me soft and warm.
    For trust gives strength to all our acts,
    And wipes out every storm.

  29. God Gives Me Hope
    Poet: Julie Hebert

    God gives me hope, He sets me free,
    His promises mean so much to me.
    His plans are good, I trust in Him
    Without this faith my life would be dim.

    His word written on old time scrolls
    Speaks love to my heart and soul;
    It gives me peace and erases doubt
    I would not want a life without.

    Through every trial and every pain,
    God's love breaks the chain.
    His unfailing love remains the same,
    I praise Him, His glorious name!

  30. His unfailing love remains the same, I praise Him, His glorious name!

  31. The Way to God
    Poet: Frederick W. Norwood

    Did you say you cannot think of God
    because your mind has no satisfying concept?
    You have no image of Life,
    But you have it, and you know it.

    The life more abundant and richer in quality that is God.
    When its wealth flowers in love, you are in God, and God is in you.
    Life Eternal is God.
    God is Life Eternal.
    It, or he, is flowing through you now.
    Let it flow more freely, more purely,
    and the river is entering the Sea.
    "This life" manifestly takes on the qualities of Life Eternal.

  32. Deeds Of Mercy And Love
    Poet: Katherine Lee Bates

    May deeds of mercy and of love
    Spring 'neath thy hand like flowers,
    To gem life's dusty, arid ways
    And glad thy latest hours.

    Oh, go thou forth and do thy deed
    In forest and in town,
    Nor sigh for ease, while pain and need
    Are plucking at thy gown.

    And thus, when bitter turneth sweet
    And every heart is blest,
    Perchance to thee God's hand will meet
    His unimagined rest.

  33. What Is Love
    Poet: William Clegg

    That pure, celestial, never dying fire,
    Which prompts the songs of heaven’s immortal choir;
    An attribute of heaven, sublime and pure,
    True charity, which ever will endure;
    The strong impetus of unmeasured speed
    Of angels sent to saints in times of need;
    The arm of Deity encircling man,
    ’Till fully saved by His eternal plan.

    The power supreme that casts out slavish fear
    And fills the soul with peace, when death is near;
    Knows no suspicion, fears no evil day,
    For he who loves his Maker, will obey.
    A feast divine when free from sin’s alloy;
    A store exhaustless of unmingled joy.
    ’Tis mercy’s highway from the throne above,
    ’Tis Heaven indeed, for God Himself is Love!

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