30 Quotes About Fear

Be encouraged by these fear quotes to move beyond what you are afraid of. Fear has a negative impact on our lives. So let these quotes give you thoughts to consider to overcome any fears you have.

Overcoming fear doesn't mean that you never have anxiety or concerns about a certain issue, but it does mean that you recognize it as a fear and take steps to eliminate how you are feeling. You may also be encouraged by the poems about fear.

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  1. The best we can do is face our fears, with grit and determination steer clear of tears.   C. A. Lynch, Worry, Whine, And Fret - Worry Poems

  2. Fear not tomorrow. God is already there.   Ruth Graham - Christian Poems

  3. Courage is not confined by fear's tight hold, but through action, its power unfolds.   C. A. Lynch, Courage Through Action - Poems About Courage

  4. Sisters are for lending a shoulder when it's too hard to bear, for giving comfort and support through days of doubt and fear.   C. A. Lynch, Sisters Are - Poems About Sisters

  5. Courage is not confined by fear's tight hold, but through action, its power unfolds. The night seems longest holding onto fear and despair, but a flame of hope will help us manage every care.   Julie Hebert, A Brighter Tomorrow - Positive Poems

  6. But when the storms of life do appear is our attitude one of fear?   C. A. Lynch, Our Attitude - Encouraging Poems

  7. Fear is the thief of dreams.
  8. Fear is the thief of dreams.   Brian Krans - Poems About Dreams

  9. A positive outlook can help us approach mistakes with curiosity and openness, rather than fear and shame.   Sharon Salzberg - Positive Poems

  10. For reality beckons, it calls us near, to embrace its challenges, conquer fear.   C. A. Lynch, Focused Attention - Poems About Focus

  11. So I live each year and never fear that I am getting too old to live life and be bold.   C. A. Lynch, Two Ways To Look At Life - Poems About Getting Older

  12. No matter what life threw our way Grandpa had time to hear our fears, his comfort and assurance that things will still be fine.   C. A. Lynch, My Gratitude - Grandfather Poems

  13. Heaven I can only dream of a place where there is no more tears where joy and happiness will be where there will be no fears.   C. A. Lynch, I Can Only Dream - Christian Poems

  14. Fear of success can be just as crippling as the fear of failure.
  15. Fear of success can be just as crippling as the fear of failure.   John Allen - Poems About Success

  16. When we trust God, we can face our fears with confidence, knowing that He is always with us.   Rick Warren - Christian Quotes

  17. We put so much of our time and energy into making sure that we meet everyone’s expectations and into caring about what other people think of us, that we are often left feeling angry, resentful and fearful.   Brene Brown - Poems About Expectations

  18. Fear of failure is something that will rob you of confidence and that may just rob you of years of your life if you let it.   Nathan Smart - Failure Quotes

  19. I’ve learnt that disappointment and self-doubt is at the root of so many people’s fear of really living.   Simeon Lindstrom - Disappointment Quotes

  20. I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.   Nelson Mandela - Quotes About Learning

  21. Taking the time to be there, showing that someone does care. A gesture of love so sincere; this can help soften fears.   C. A. Lynch, Taking The Time - Poems About Giving

  22. God doesn’t want us to live in fear. Let’s keep our gaze on Christ. Trust him, and fear less.   Max Lucado - Trust God Quotes

  23. The one thing that holds us back from creating the life of our dreams, is fear.
  24. The one thing that holds us back from creating the life of our dreams, is fear. That’s it. That’s all. Eliminate fear, and there is nothing you can’t do!   Cara Alwill Leyba - Dream Quotes

  25. When Mother would kneel beside my bed, with her dear hands upon my head, my little heart would cease to fear   Melville Miller, When Mother Prayed - Mom Poems

  26. Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.   Author Unknown - Quotes About Courage

  27. Don't let age be a fear!   C. A. Lynch, Don't Fret - Funny Birthday Poem

  28. We shape ourselves the joy or fear of which the coming life is made, and fill our future's atmosphere with sunshine or with shade.   John Greenleaf Whittier, The Tissue Of Life - Poems On Life

  29. If we don't know Jesus, we will fear death and its sting - and we should.   Randy Alcorn - Quotes About Death

  30. Mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow, not to be feared.
  31. Mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow, not to be feared.   Author Unknown - Quotes About Mistakes

  32. Birthdays come each year and some people face them with fear. But you are in your prime, may this day be a great time.   Samatha C. Ringle, Each Year - Birthday Poems

  33. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.   Max Ehrmann, Desiderata - Graduation Poems

  34. Gratitude is a currency that we can mint for ourselves and spend without fear of bankruptcy.   Fred De Witt Van Amburgh - Quotes About Gratitude

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