22 Disappointment Quotes

Be encouraged by this collection of disappointment quotes. As we journey through life we all face disappointment at one time or another.

We hope these quotes will inspire you to keep going and focus on the positive even when things don't turn out as you hoped.

Quotes & Sayings  -    Disappointment Quotes

  1. Though disappointments cross our path, our hearts can still wield a resilient laugh. C. A. Lynch, What We Perceive - Poems About Joy

  2. If failure brings dismay, and disappointment rocks your day, don't give in to all the strain; look for other ways to gain. C. A. Lynch, When Disappointment Rocks Your Day - Encouraging Poems

  3. God is the only source of hope that’ll never disappoint. When we place our faith in him, he provides joy, peace, and hope that overflows. Rick Warren - Christian Poems

  4. Don’t put your faith in religious institutions, preachers, teachers, or any other human beings. Why? Because you will eventually be disappointed in all of them. Instead, put your faith in Jesus. Britt Gillette - Poems About Faith

  5. Perseverance is trying and trying, and trying again each day; even though failures and disappointment come thick and fast our way.
  6. Perseverance is trying and trying, and trying again each day; even though failures and disappointment come thick and fast our way. F. M. O'Rouke, Perseverance Is Trying Each Day - Perseverance Poems

  7. Though we don't comprehend God's ways or be clear let us humbly thank Him for all He'll do here. Should disappointment ensue in what's revealed yet glory will come from the plans He's sealed. C. A. Lynch, Trust His Plan - Prayer Poems

  8. A marriage is sharing celebrations and disappointments Tom S. Gold, A Marriage Is - What Is Marriage Poems

  9. From vanity and lies, from mockery and snares, from disappointed hopes. Pass over to thy rest, the rest of God! H. Bonar, Pass Over to Thy Rest - Funeral Poems For Dad

  10. Never, never say, if a disappointment come to you, "I am the unluckiest person alive, and I knew nothing so good could ever happen to me." Author Unknown, Keys To Success - Poems About Success

  11. Now it’s time to get over our past and the disappointments that came with it. Now it’s about making the rest of our lives the best of our live’s. Not only do we all have the potential to be Great Eric Thomas - Poems About Potential

  12. Life is all about setbacks. A life lived without disappointment is a life lived in a cocoon. People have recovered from far worse setbacks. Tony Clark - Poems On Life

  13. There was a simpler time when giving was less the point. The importance was placed on one another, with fewer ways to disappoint. Julie Hebert, Simple Times - Poems About Giving

  14. With all its storms and doubtings cleared away, with all its little disappointments past, it shall be thine to understand at last....Whate'er its mysteries, God holds the key; thou well canst trust Him and bide patiently. Unknown, Be Patient - Trust God Poems

  15. The first thing I do on Christmas morning, is take a look and see. I am never disappointed, another magical snowy Christmas for me. Julie Hebert, Magical Snow - Christmas Magic Poems

  16. Don’t be going through life looking for disappointment, bad breaks, and drama. That is putting faith in the fear, if you are looking at the world through the eyes of fear then you will miss out on all the blessings that God has in store for you. Rev J. Martin - Quotes About God

  17. No matter who does you wrong, you don’t have to stay defeated. Disappointments are inevitable, but misery is optional. Joel Osteen - Attitude Quotes

  18. Don’t let the mistakes and disappointments of the past control and direct your future.
  19. Don’t let the mistakes and disappointments of the past control and direct your future. Zig Ziglar - Quotes About Mistakes

  20. Success at anything requires two vital ingredients: enthusiasm and perseverance. Both can be helped by the broad view that looks beyond temporary difficulties and disappointments to a great goal. Norman Vincent Peale - Perseverance Quotes

  21. Hope does not disappoint. African Proverb - Inspirational Hope Quotes

  22. Ones best success comes after their greatest disappointments. Henry Ward Beecher - Quotes About Success

  23. Anytime you suffer a setback or disappointment, put your head down and plow ahead. Les Brown - Determination Quotes

  24. Life’s demands may not slow up any time soon, and learning life balance is an ongoing art. If you think one day you will get it all done, and then you can relax, you are bound to be disappointed. Christina Winsey-Rudd - Quotes About Life Inspirational

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