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32 Quotes About Courage

Compiled by Julie Hebert - Updated July 2, 2024

Be inspired by these quotes about courage! These empowering quotes ignite the spark of bravery within us, reminding us that strength lies not only in our actions but also in our beliefs.

Let these words of courage be an encouragement to overcome fear and forge ahead with determination. May they remind us that courage is the powerful force that enables us to conquer the impossible and flourish in the face of adversity. You may also be inspired by our collection of poems about courage.

Quotes & Sayings  -    quotes about courage  

  1. Boldly stepping, we make choices, gathering our courage of which we have no shortage. Mistakes are a teacher, our guide on life's path, indicating the directions we’re to go in and where to avoid.   C. A. Lynch, Mistakes Are A Teacher - Poems About Mistakes

  2. How stands thy courage, faith, and hope when in adversity?   Gloria G. Hunnex, Strength VS. Fainting

  3. For courage resides not in absence of fear, rather in valorously facing it near.   C. A. Lynch, An Opponent - Poems About Fear

  4. What has been, has been; yesterday is dead and by it you are neither blessed nor banned; take courage, man, be brave and drive ahead, start where you stand.   Berton Braley, Start Where You Stand - Positive Poems

  5. So fill your heart with courage and please do not forget, when on Earth we must part, in Heaven we'll reunite yet.   C. A. Lynch, Believe In Heaven

  6. Courage to smile though sorrow fill unto its brim your cup - more is required, to make a man, than merely growing up!   Strickland Gillilan, Becoming A Man - Wisdom Poems

  7. Success takes courage and strength that's clear, to have an impact is why you’re here!
  8. Success takes courage and strength that's clear, to have an impact is why you’re here!   Julie Hebert, Not Just Wealth - Poems About Success

  9. In every hurdle, Grandmothers lend a helping hand, teaching courage and strength to withstand.   C. A. Lynch, Grandmother's Blessings

  10. A love that asks no answer, that can live moved by one burning, deathless force--to give. Love, strength, and courage; courage, strength, and love.   Charlotte Perkins Stetson, It Takes Great Love

  11. God created you for a purpose, there is no one like you before. Believe you can achieve more with Him, and courageously explore.   C. A. Lynch, God Has Given You Talents - Poems To Inspire Students

  12. The courage to face life's uncertain cares. To push against those moments of relent and despair.   C. A. Lynch, Thank You Grandpa

  13. The undivided vision that reaches beyond mountains high; unflinching courage to see it through with determination not shy.   C. A. Lynch, Shared Goals And Dreams

  14. Courage is being scared and doing it anyway, because the something you want is bigger than the fear itself.   Billy Anderson - Quotes About Fear

  15. Attitude is the architect of your reality; design it with hope, courage, and gratitude.   Samatha C. Ringle - Attitude Quotes

  16. Be grand in purpose, brave in act as you and truth decide it; swift in defence, slow in attack; then what the issue, bide it!   William S. Shurtleff, Live Your Own Life - Poems On Life

  17. Have courage over fear, put your shoulder to the wheel; for life's bumps and detours, we all at times do feel
  18. Have courage over fear, put your shoulder to the wheel; for life's bumps and detours, we all at times do feel.   C. A. Lynch, Faced With An Obstacle - Overcoming Obstacles Poems

  19. My mother always believed in me, and her unwavering hope has given me the courage to pursue my dreams.   Author Unknown

  20. May you have the grace to seek forgiveness, the courage to forgive, and the wisdom to know when to forgive.   - Irish Blessing

  21. I may not win. The goal I crave, but failing, I will still be brave.   Edgar A. Guest, A Wish

  22. May you have the courage to reach for it, to do something brand new. Even if you are terrified, may God help see you through.   Julie Hebert, Your New Life Begins

  23. You taught me courage when I felt small, to rise after failures, to stand tall.   C. A. Lynch, Dear Dad

  24. When we trust in God, we can face any challenge with courage and hope.
  25. When we trust in God, we can face any challenge with courage and hope.   C. A. Lynch

  26. More forward with a brave heart today as today is a new day!  

  27. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.   Winston Churchill - Failure Quotes

  28. Courage isn’t something that is given to us overnight. It’s a quality we cultivate regularly in the face of problems, hardships, disappointments, and loss.   Dr B. Brown - Disappointment Quotes

  29. May you find the courage to pursue your dreams and the strength to overcome any obstacles that come your way.  

  30. Let courage, then, embrace thy heart; trust that unfailing Word. With its inspiring promises - the sweetest ever heard.   Gloria G. Hunnex, Strength VS. Fainting

  31. Even on a Wednesday, embrace the spirit of a Tuesday, where the possibilities are endless, and the courage to pursue your dreams knows no bounds.   Author Unknown

  32. Your loving hugs always bring relief. With everlasting courage and belief. I'm blessed to have a father like you   C. A. Lynch, You've Been My Hero

  33. The Lord is with you always, He’s never really far; with courage and strength given by Him, strive to be who you are.   C. A. Lynch, God Has Given You Talents - Quotes To Inspire Students

  34. Being honest takes courage. Taking action takes more courage.
  35. Being honest takes courage. Taking action takes more courage.   Rolf Gates

  36. Mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to admit them.   Bruce Lee - Quotes About Mistakes

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