Funny 70th Birthday Sayings

Find a collection of funny 70th birthday sayings that you can share to bring a smile to the 70-year-old face. These humourous words will make turning 70 seem like an adventure rather than a milestone.

You may also want to share one of our funny 70th birthday poems to bring a smile to the 70 year olds face.

Quotes & Sayings  -     Funny 70th Birthday Sayings

  1. At 70, you've officially entered the 'I'll get to it tomorrow... or maybe next week' phase of life.

  2. "Happy 70th! Now you can officially complain about the youth, technology, and the price of everything without anyone questioning you.

  3. At 70, your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them either!

  4. Congrats on hitting 70! You know you're getting old when the candles cost more than the cake.

  5. They say age is just a number, but at 70, it starts to feel more like a bingo game – B7, wisdom and wrinkles!
    This saying humorously suggests that while the common phrase "age is just a number" is often used to downplay the significance of growing older, reaching the age of 70 brings a sense of reality to it. The reference to a bingo game adds a playful twist, with "B7" representing a specific age-related experience. In this context, "B7" humorously stands for both wisdom and wrinkles, emphasizing that at 70, one starts to accumulate not just years but also valuable lessons (wisdom) and the inevitable signs of aging (wrinkles).

  6. At 70, you've earned the right to wear your pants a little higher and your expectations a little lower. Happy Birthday!

  7. Happy 70th! You're not getting older; you're just becoming a classic, like a fine wine or a vintage cheese.

  8. At 70, the only thing you have to chase is the cat off your favorite chair. Cheers to a life of leisure!

  9. They say laughter is the best medicine. At 70, it's probably also a good idea to keep some aspirin handy. Happy Birthday!

  10. Happy 70th! At this age, 'getting lucky' means finding your glasses without having to ask where you left them!

  11. At 70, you can finally stop pretending to enjoy kale salads and embrace the real 	stuff  – chocolate cake!
    This saying humorously suggests that by the age of 70, a person can abandon the pretense of enjoying health-conscious food like kale salads and fully indulge in more decadent treats, specifically chocolate cake. The implication is that as people age, they might feel less pressured to adhere strictly to dietary trends or preferences and can allow themselves the pleasure of enjoying indulgent delights like chocolate cake without any guilt. It playfully captures the idea of embracing simple joys and indulgences in life as one gets older, departing from the stereotypical notions of health-conscious eating.

  12. Turning 70 is a lot like turning 50, but now your back goes out more than you do.

  13. At 70, you've reached the age where your idea of a wild night is staying up past 9 p.m. Happy Birthday!

  14. Congratulations on reaching 70! You're now officially a vintage model with low mileage and high wisdom.

  15. At 70, the only exercise you get is running out of patience. May your birthday be as stress-free as a nap!

  16. They say the best years are still ahead. At 70, that means the years you can remember without forgetting why you walked into a room!
    This saying humorously plays on the notion that the best years are yet to come, suggesting that at the age of 70, the truly memorable moments are the ones where you remember why you entered a room. The humor lies in the common experience of forgetting the purpose of entering a room, often attributed to aging. The saying suggests that at 70, the years ahead will be the ones where you can retain and recall such everyday details, implying that the best is yet to come, even if it involves poking fun at the forgetfulness associated with aging.

  17. Happy 70th! Now that you're officially a septuagenarian, you can start blaming everything on 'senior moments.'

  18. At 70, you're not old; you've just upgraded to a classic model. Happy Birthday, vintage friend!

  19. Congratulations on hitting 70! If life were a school, you'd be on the honor roll of experience and wisdom.

  20. At 70, you've reached the age where your back goes out more than you do.

  21. At 70, every day is a new adventure – mainly because you forgot what you did yesterday! Happy Birthday!

  22. At 70, you're not over the hill; you're just enjoying the scenic route. Wishing you a picturesque birthday!
    ​ The phrase "over the hill" typically implies that someone has passed their prime or reached a point of decline. However, the saying challenges this notion by suggesting that at 70, you're not over the hill; instead, you're enjoying the scenic route. This metaphor implies that life at 70 is like a picturesque journey with beautiful views and experiences. The saying wishes the person a picturesque birthday, embracing the idea that the years ahead are filled with scenic and enjoyable moments rather than a decline. It carries a message of optimism, encouraging a positive perspective on aging.

  23. Congratulations on reaching 70! You're now officially a vintage model with low mileage and high wisdom.

  24. At 70, the only exercise you get is running out of patience. May your birthday be as stress-free as a nap!

  25. Happy 70th! Now that you're officially a septuagenarian, you can start blaming everything on 'senior moments.'

  26. At 70, you've not old; you're just upgraded to a classic model. Happy Birthday, vintage friend!

  27. They say life begins at 40, but by 70, you're just getting the hang of it. Happy Birthday, slow and steady wins the race!

  28. Congratulations on hitting 70! If life were a school, you'd be on the honor roll of experience and wisdom.
    This saying congratulates someone on reaching the age of 70 by likening life to a school. The phrase "honor roll" typically refers to a list of students who have excelled academically. In this context, the saying playfully suggests that if life were a school, the person turning 70 would be on the honor roll of experience and wisdom. It implies that the individual has accumulated a wealth of life experiences and gained valuable wisdom throughout their journey. The saying celebrates the achievements and insights that come with reaching the milestone age of 70, portraying it as an accomplishment worthy of recognition and honor.

  29. At 70, every day is a new adventure – mainly because you forgot what you did yesterday! Happy Birthday!

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