About C. A. Lynch

C. A. Lynch has been writing poems for years. Read her thoughts about how she first started and why she shares her thoughts with others.

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Last Updated: October 9, 2024

As a child, I loved poetry and began writing at an early age. I would make cards for my parents for special occasions and I always wrote a poem on the card. Looking back I can see how my poetry has evolved and like anything in life the more you do the better you get. That is not to say my poetry is perfect, I am still evolving and perfecting the poems I write.

Over the years I have worked with numerous people and have always tried to put a positive spin on issues and challenges, preferring to look at life from a positive point of view. Experiences of life can help us "be better", or as they say, "be bitter". I have always chosen the better.

Now a grandmother of four and no longer working full time I enjoy encouraging the children and writing poetry to encourage others.

I do hope my poems inspire you to see the positive in all situations.

C. A. Lynch

Life is an incredible journey

Some examples of my poems are:

An Incredible Journey
Poet: C. A. Lynch

Life is an incredible journey,
don't forget to enjoy!
Living each day in a blaze of joy,
it's for us to deploy.

We will pass through valleys of pain....
Read the rest of the poem Poems That Inspire

What Are The Keys to A Successful Marriage?
Poet: C. A. Lynch

Keep the romance alive
And watch the relationship thrive.

Communication is key, express your feelings
Don't hold back say how you feel.

Honesty is always the best bet....
Read the rest of the poem What Is Marriage Poems

Two Ways To Look At Life
Poet: C. A. Lynch

I can look at life in two ways
Staying young and playing all day
Or getting old and putting in time
No longer in my prime.

While things may change I do not need....
Read the rest of the poem Poems About Getting Older

How Did You
Poet: C. A. Lynch

How did you get to retire before me?
Oh, my friend, that can't be!
Oh, how jealous I am of you
You make me feel blue!
But I am happy you get to retire.....
Read the rest of the poem Retirement Poems

One Guarantee
Poet: C. A. Lynch

We have one guarantee
And that is today
No one knows for sure
If we will see another day.

Enjoy each moment.....
Read the rest of the poem Poems About Today

The Same Amount
Poet: C. A. Lynch

Time we all have the same amount
Use it wisely on what truly counts.
Twenty-four hours in a day
For you to use in your own way.

If not used wisely you will find....
Read the rest of the poem Time Poems

Worry Has No Benefit
Poet: C. A. Lynch

Worry never solved a problem
Often times it only made it grew.
Worry never lets us see the positive
It often distracts our view.

Worry is a waste of time....
Read the rest of the poem Worry Poems

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