Retirement Poems for Coworkers

by Julie Hebert - Updated July 8, 2024

Retirement Poems    |   Retirement Poems for Coworkers

Share these retirement poems with a coworker who is retiring. Looking for the words that express your feeling and best wishes for them as they leave their place of employment - a poem is a great way to express Congratulations.

When a coworker retires we are happy and we are sad. We are happy for them but sad for us as they will no longer be part of our day. But retirement means they have paid their dues and put in the years to retire from work. A time for them to relax and enjoy life without the demands of a job.

Table of Contents

Retirement Poems for Coworkers

    Farewell and Goodbye Poems

    It can be difficult to express your thoughts in bidding goodbye or farewell to a person you have worked along side of. Let these poems give you words.

  1. Goodbye To Our Colleague As You Retire
    Poet: Julie Hebert

    Our lives are filled with wondrous gifts,
    Many events that make us who we are.
    Graduations, weddings all the way to retirement we go.
    Enjoying every moment as a superstar.

    But I think we all love when retirement comes,
    And we can relax more than ever before.
    No more alarms, meetings, or getting ready for work,
    You can do whatever you want and more.

    So best wishes to you from all of us here,
    Who are envious of you more than ever.
    Hard to believe things are going to change,
    This work family is going to be severed.

    But we know deep down in our hearts,
    That you'll always be a part of us.
    You'll use this time wisely with no waste at all,
    If you do we will most likely make a fuss.

    Why you ask would we make a fuss,
    When it's your retirement come true.
    Well, you see it'll be a while before we can retire,
    We will be living vicariously through you!

  2. Farewell
    Poet: Julie Hebert

    Farewell to a dear colleague,
    We'll miss your smiling face.
    Your hard work and dedication,
    Left a lasting mark on this place.

    You've earned your well-deserved rest,
    After all those years of toil.
    Now is the time to enjoy,
    All the fruits of your hard labor and toil.

    We'll always remember the good times,
    The laughter and fun we shared.
    But now it's time to say goodbye,
    We'll miss you and how much you cared.

    So here's to a happy retirement,
    Filled with joy and peace.
    May all your dreams come true,
    And may the fun never cease.

  3. So here's to a happy retirement, Filled with joy and peace. May all your dreams come true

  4. We'll Miss You
    Poet: Julie Hebert

    We'll miss your presence in the office,
    The way you always made us smile.
    Your wisdom and knowledge,
    Helped us go the extra mile.

    We can't imagine coming to work,
    And not seeing your friendly face.
    You've been such a valuable colleague,
    And we'll always remember your grace.

    No more alarm clocks for you,
    No more deadlines to meet.
    It's time to work on your hobbies,
    And enjoy life's simple treats.

    So here's to a well-deserved retirement,
    May it be filled with joy and fun.
    We'll never forget the impact you've made,
    Thank you for all you've done.

  5. Celebratory and Congratulatory Poems For Coworker

    When a person retires offering congratulations can be said with a poem.

  6. A Joyous Time Indeed
    Poet: Julie Hebert

    Congratulations on your retirement.
    It's a joyous time indeed.
    Say goodbye to the everyday hustle and bustle,
    And enjoy the slower speed.

    Take the things you love,
    And make them happen every day.
    Retirement is a time for you,
    So make some time to play.

    Whatever you love to do,
    Make it number one.
    This is your one and only time,
    To have a lot of fun.

    Wishing a lot for you,
    At this amazing time.
    Hope its everything you imagined,
    By enjoying your favourite past time.

  7. Happy For You
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Oh we are so happy for you
    But we are left and are blue
    We wish you a happy retirement
    We can feel your excitement.

    But we must also say
    We will miss your smile every day
    We will miss your corny jokes
    And the pranks and hoaxes.

    But you deserve only the best
    Come in and see us, is our request
    We will be here working hard
    Just pop in and give us your regards.

    Life for you will be so grand
    No more work demands
    No more alarm clocks
    And no more worrying about being docked.

    All the years we worked with you
    Have been a pleasure, that is so true
    We hate to see you go
    We will miss you so!

    So let us all say
    Happy Retirement Day
    Enjoy your time
    Retirement is prime!

  8. All the years we worked with you Have been a pleasure, that is so true

  9. Congrats We Send To You
     Poet: B. R. Clement

    Congratulations we send to you
    We wish you happiness in all you do.
    It won't be the same around here
    That for sure is very clear.

    After all the years, you deserve this day
    Even though we wish you would stay
    But now your efforts have paid off
    You can now just take off.

    Congrats, and best wishes we do send
    Retirement is not the end
    You now can relax and do
    Whatever you want to!

  10. Reflective and Appreciative Poems For Colleague

    These poems reflect on what it will be like to no longer work. And they offer appreciation to the person retiring.

  11. Side By Side
    Poet: Tom S. Gold

    Side by side we have worked
    And how the years have passed by
    I can't believe you are retiring
    The place won't be the same, no lie!

    Enjoy the coming years
    Do what you want, when you please
    We will miss you here at work
    Work for you has now ceased.

    No more deadlines, no more boss
    What a different life for you
    You can now do the things
    That you have always wanted to.

    As you retire from this job
    We wish you happiness
    And no more stress
    Working with you has been fabulous.

  12. Life's Utmost Treasures
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    So long to the grind and the daily prelude,
    Adieu to the meetings and memos accrued.
    We bid you dear colleague farewell with glee,
    Retirement offers boundless joys, you'll see!

    Here's to lazy mornings, 'neath soft bedspreads,
    And adventures ahead like never before, unsaid.
    Cheers to your golden years of peace and pleasure,
    Oh coworker dear, enjoy life's utmost treasure!

  13. Cheers to your golden years of peace and pleasure, Oh coworker dear, enjoy life's utmost treasure!

  14. You Get To Be Free
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Now is your time, you get to be free,
    Retire and not worry, smile all day with glee,
    As we keep working, while you take a nap,
    So long, farewell, au revoir, but know you'll leave a big gap.

    No more meetings and deadlines to meet,
    No more emails or clients to greet.
    Enjoy your retirement, drink up that tea,
    And let us do the work while you live carefree.

  15. Freedom and Leisure Poems For Coworker

    Let these poems be a reminder of the freedom and leisure that can come when a person retires.

  16. A Time Of Freedom
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Retirement, a time of freedom and delight,
    No more schedules, just days filled with light.
    No clock to keep, no rush to be found,
    Just following passions, wherever they're bound.

    Time to travel, or simply stay put,
    To indulge in hobbies, or try something new.
    Retirement—a canvas for dreams to take flight,
    My colleague, it's a chapter of life that's endlessly bright.

  17. A New Chapter Begins
    Poet: Julie Hebert

    Retirement calls, a gentle chime,
    A gift of precious, newfound time.
    No more the rush of workday grind,
    Just freedom now, pure and kind.

    The hobbies waiting on the shelf,
    Now can be enjoyed yourself.
    The garden blooms beneath your care,
    The painter's brush, your canvas bare.

    Projects paused by work's demand,
    Now take shape beneath your hand.
    A book to write, a song to play,
    A dream pursued by light of day.

    But more than just your own delight,
    There’s time to spread your wings in flight.
    To volunteer, to lend a hand,
    To help another make a stand.

    In giving back, you'll find your way,
    Enriching lives along the way.
    The world is brighter for your touch,
    Your time and care mean so much.

    For in this chapter, bright and new,
    There's so much waiting just for you.
    Embrace it all, the big and small,
    Retirement's the best gift of all.

  18. Retirement's the best gift of all.

  19. Monday Feels Like Saturday
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Now that you have retired, Monday feels like Saturday,
    Oh how we envy your newfound way,
    No more workweek struggle or 9 to 5,
    Instead leisure and relaxation come alive.

    The freedom to plan your day ahead,
    Do as you please without daily dread,
    We can't help but feel excited and inspired too,
    To retire someday, just like you.

  20. Retirement Poems For a Specific Profession

    A selection of poems for friends, nurses and teachers in your life.

  21. Retirement Poems for Friends

  22. Retirement Poems for A Teacher

  23. Retirement Poems For Nurses

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Frequently Asked Questions

Questions that we have had from our readers.

Q: May I use these poems in a card or an email or for personal use?
A: For sure, we wrote these poems to give you thoughts and words to share with coworkers or colleagues as they retire. In addition, you may want to use them to bring a smile in a speech or take a line or two and use them as a toast to the retiree!

Q: Can I modify these poems to suit the person?
A: Of course! Insert the person's name or use their name in the title. Whenever you personalize a poem it makes it more special.

Q: Can I use one of your poems on my website or in my book?
A: Please note all of the poems on our site are subject to copyright. If you wish to use any of our work please ask our permission before using it. Contact Us

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