32 Grandfather Quotes

Grandfathers are special people in our lives. May these Grandfather quotes remind you what a special man your Grandpa is. You may also be encouraged by these Grandfather Poems.

Quotes & Sayings  |    Grandfather Quotes

  1. Grandpas are the ones who make us feel like anything is possible, and who inspire us to reach for the stars. Author Unknown - Encouraging Poems

  2. Grandfathers are the keepers of family history, the storytellers of our past, and the inspirers of our future. C. A. Lynch - Poems That Inspire

  3. Being a dad is a privilege, but being a granddad is an honor and a blessing from above. C. A. Lynch - Fathers Day Poems

  4. God gave us grandfathers so they could teach us lessons from the past, and guide us on our journey towards the future. C. A. Lynch - Christian Poems

  5. Grandfathers are the unsung heroes of our lives, always there to lend a hand or offer a word of wisdom.
  6. Grandfathers are the unsung heroes of our lives, always there to lend a hand or offer a word of wisdom.   Unknown - Wisdom Poems

  7. A grandfather is someone with silver in his hair and gold in his heart, while a grandmother has wisdom in her head and warmth in her heart. Author Unknown - Poems About Grandma

  8. Grandpas are the ones who know that the world is a better place when we're all kind to each other. Author Unknown - Kindness Poems

  9. Granddads are the ones who never forget our birthdays, who always have a gift or a card to make us feel special. C. A. Lynch - Birthday Poems

  10. I am thankful for my Grandfather who is the anchor of our family, the pillar of strength upon which we all rely. C. A. Lynch - Thankful For Poems

  11. Oh Grandpa, how you bring us cheer with your loving hugs and wise words so dear, Your presence brings joy to all in sight and fills our hearts with such delight C. A. Lynch, Grandpa Exceeds Expectations - Poems About Expectations

  12. Grandpas are the ones who know that the greatest gift they can give us is their time and attention. Author Unknown - Time Poems

  13. Grandpas are the ones who know that the best things in life are the ones that money can't buy.
  14. Grandpas are the ones who know that the best things in life are the ones that money can't buy. Author Unknown - Positive Poems

  15. A grandpa is a treasure trove of knowledge, who can answer any question you have about the world. Author Unknown - Poems About Education

  16. A father is a compass that guides his children, and a grandfather is a lighthouse that shines the way for the whole family. Author Unknown - Fathers Day Messages

  17. A grandpa's guidance is like a compass, pointing us in the right direction, no matter where life takes us. Thomas R. Greensome - Poems On Life

  18. A grandpa's legacy is a lasting one, his influence will be felt for generations to come. Sarah Ann-Marie Summers - Funeral Poems For Grandpa

  19. A grandpa is a magician, who can make all our problems disappear with a wave of his hand.
  20. A grandpa is a magician, who can make all our problems disappear with a wave of his hand. Author Unknown - Quotes About Life That Are Funny

  21. Granddads are the ones who know that a little bit of encouragement can go a long way, and who always believe in our potential.  Author Unknown - Quotes That Encourage

  22. Being a dad requires hard work and sacrifice, but being a granddad is all about spoiling and cherishing. Author Unknown - Quotes About Being A Dad

  23. God gives us grandfathers to cherish, to learn from, and to honor with our lives. Author Unknown - Christian Quotes

  24. Granddads are the ones who know that the secret to a happy life is to love, laugh, and enjoy every moment. Author Unknown - Quotes About Life Happiness

  25. May I be as young as you at seventy-two. Edgar A. Guest - Birthday Poems For Grandma

  26. Grandfathers are the patriarchs of our families, the wise old owls who sit in the branches and watch over us all. Author Unknown - Quotes About Getting Older

  27. Granddads are the ones who make us feel like we're part of their team, who teach us how to work together and support each other. Author Unknown - Work Quotes

  28. Grandfathers are the guardians of our dreams, the ones who cheer us on as we chase them, and who celebrate with us when we catch them. C. A. Lynch - Dream Quotes

  29. Grandpas are like walking history books, full of stories and wisdom.
  30. Grandpas are like walking history books, full of stories and wisdom. Author Unknown - Wisdom Quotes

  31. Becoming a grandfather is one of the joys of aging. It is an instant opportunity to be a mentor, a confidant, and a friend to a younger generation. Jay K. Payleitner - Quotes About Joy

  32. Grandpas always have time for a story or a game, and they make the best pancakes in the world. Author Unknown - Time Quotes

  33. Being a dad is a full-time job, but being a grandfather is a reward for a job well done. Author Unknown - Quotes About Father

  34. Grandpas are the ones who show us that age is just a number, that there's still plenty of adventure and excitement to be had, no matter how old we get. Author Unknown - Age Quotes

  35. A grandpa's legacy is not measured in wealth or possessions, but in the love he gives and the lives he touches.  Julie Hebert - Quotes That Inspire

  36. Granddads are the ones who know that the best memories are made when we're surrounded by the people we love. Author Unknown - Quotes About Memories

  37. Grandfather Poems
    Grandfather Poems

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