4 Poems About Salvation

Poems about salvation explore the transformative journey towards right standing before God through redemption through Jesus Christ's death on the cross and His resurrection.

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  1. Salvation Is A Gift
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Salvation, a gift from above,
    Given through Jesus' endless love.
    In darkness, we once wandered lost,
    But He redeemed us at a great cost.

    Born in Bethlehem, a humble birth,
    A Savior sent to heal the earth.
    His life, a symbol of divine grace,
    Guiding believers to a heavenly place.

    Jesus, the shepherd of our souls,
    Fulfilling ancient prophecies and goals.
    He walked this earth, sinless and pure,
    To offer salvation, to provide the cure.

    Nailed upon a cross, He bled and died,
    His sacrifice, our sin to override.
    Through His blood, our transgressions forgiven,
    Restoration found in Him, a destiny unriven.

    The stone rolled away, an empty tomb,
    Christ rose triumphant to dispel all gloom.
    Conquering death, sin's ultimate price,
    He brings salvation, an eternal paradise.

    Believers rejoice, in Jesus we find,
    A Savior loving, compassionate, kind.
    Through faith in Him, salvation we gain,
    A life transformed, eternal peace to attain.

  2. Transformed
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    In the depths of darkness, lost and alone,
    A soul once adrift, with no place called home.
    Searching for meaning, a heart full of strife,
    Longing for salvation, to transform its life.

    Salvation, oh sweet salvation, divine gift,
    Bringing hope, healing wounds from setting us adrift.
    Not merely eternal life, but a chance to grow,
    To evolve, to transform, as God's children we know.

    A life transformed, by the touch of God's hand,
    A journey of salvation, on which we all stand.
    In God's image, recreated anew,
    Through grace and mercy, His love shining through.

    So let us grab hold of this gift we have found,
    To be saved, transformed, our spirits unbound.
    For salvation is not just a future prize,
    But a present reality, that opens our eyes.

  3. For salvation is not just a future prize, But a present reality, that opens our eyes.

  4. Salvation By Faith Alone
    Poet: Byron Rivers

    In the realm of Christian grace,
    A truth we find, a guiding space,
    Salvation's path is paved by faith,
    Not by works, but by His loving embrace.

    No deeds or actions can compare,
    To the saving power of God's great care,
    For it is through faith we are redeemed,
    By His sacrifice, so unredeemed.

    For works may gain earthly reward,
    But by faith alone, we find the Lord,
    It's not by our strength or righteous measure,
    It's through His mercy, our ultimate treasure.

    No tides of labor can cleanse our soul,
    Only faith can make us whole,
    For God's love is freely bestowed,
    On those who believe in the debt He owed.

    So let us put our trust in Him,
    For through faith, salvation begins,
    Don't be burdened by works untold,
    But by faith alone, our souls behold.

  5. Free Will To Accept Salvation
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    In this journey called life, we embark with free will,
    A choice to accept salvation, or its purpose to dismiss.
    God's love, a guiding light, shining brightly upon our way,
    Leading us towards redemption, if we choose to obey.

    With open hearts, we listen to the gospel's precious call,
    A gift of grace, freely given, offered to one and all.
    Through faith and humble surrender, we find our souls set free,
    For in accepting His salvation, we embrace eternity.

    Yet some may turn away, consumed by doubt and fear,
    Rejecting God's outstretched hand, failing to persevere.
    Their hearts closed off to mercy, forgiveness, and to grace,
    They journey on in darkness, in a never-ending race.

    But God's love knows no bounds, His mercy knows no end,
    In His compassion, He continues His arms to extend.
    And as we choose salvation, embracing life anew,
    We find His peace and joy, forever faithful and true.

    So let us stand united in this quest for divine grace,
    Choosing to accept salvation, and seek God's loving face.
    For it is through our free will that we receive this gift,
    A chance to find redemption, and eternity's uplift.

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