8 Sympathy Poems

Use these sympathy poems to offer comfort and condolences to those who have lost a loved one. It is hard to find the right words to express your feelings at a time of loss we hope the verses here give you the right words.

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  1. The Light In Distance
    Poet: Julie Hebert

    There are many occasions that will come your way,
    And you will feel a bit of empty on this day.
    That feeling of emptiness can have a positive light,
    There is someone away who wishes they could take flight.

    There is someone who wishes they could find their way to you,
    Not everyone has a person wanting to be with them, like you.
    You may not have them with you on special days like today,
    But know how much they love you and wish they weren’t far away.

  2. The Burden Of Sorrow
    Poet: Unknown

    Our deepest sorrow no words can tell;
    No name through sound breathes the soul's deep spell
    Of relentless grief when life is fled,
    And our loved, however dear, are dead;
    And the tears we weep are wept in vain.
    And the heart is bowed in bitter pain
    Because of a word we left unsaid
    A word of love for our precious dead.

  3. More poems that offer sympathy:

    Poems For Grief

    Condolence Poems

  4. Forever
    Poet: John Boyle O'Reilly

    Those we love truly never die.
    Though year by year the sad memorial wreath,
    A ring and flowers, types of life and death,
    Are laid upon their graves.

    For death the pure life saves,
    And life all pure is love; and love can reach
    From heaven to earth, and nobler lessons teach
    Than those by mortals read.

    Well blessed is he who has a dear one dead:
    A friend he has whose face will never change -
    A dear communion that will not grow strange;
    The anchor of a love is death.

    The blessed sweetness of a loving breath
    Will reach our cheek all fresh through weary years.
    For her who died long since, ah! waste not tears,
    She's thine unto the end.

  5. Remember Me
    Poet: Christina Rossetti

    Remember me when I am gone away,
    Gone far away into the silent land;
    When you can no more hold me by the hand,
    Nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay.

    Remember me when no more day by day
    You tell me of our future that you plann’d:
    Only remember me; you understand
    It will be late to counsel then or pray.

    Yet if you should forget me for a while
    And afterwards remember, do not grieve:
    For if the darkness and corruption leave
    A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
    Better by far you should forget and smile
    Than that you should remember and be sad.

  6. More poems for funerals :

    Memorial Poems

    Christian Poems On Death

    Wish You Were Here Poems

    I Miss You Poems

  7. Blessed are They That Mourn
    Poet: William C. Bryant

    Oh, deem not they are blessed alone
    Whose lives a peaceful tenor keep!
    The Power who pities man, hath shown
    A blessing for the eyes that weep.

    The light of smiles shall fill again
    The lids that overflow with tears;
    And weary hours of woe and pain
    Are promises of happier years.

    There is a day of sunny rest
    For every dark and troubled night;
    And grief may bide an evening guest,
    But joy shall come with early light.

    And thou who, o'er thy friend's low bier,
    Dost shed the bitter drops like rain,
    Hope that a brighter, happier sphere
    Will give him to thy arms again.

    Nor let the good man's trust depart.
    Though life its common gifts deny, -
    Though with a pierced and bleeding heart,
    And spurned of men, he goes to die.

    For God hath marked each sorrowing day
    And numbered every secret tear,
    And heaven's long age of bliss shall pay
    For all his children suffer here.

  8. Memories To Carry Us
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Memories to carry us,
    Our last gift to know.
    The frost of winter morning;
    The summer's long days aglow.

    Lost too soon within this life,
    We still have what remains
    Forever present in our heart;
    Throughout all time we claim.

    No sadness need bind us,
    If with courage we recall,
    The sweet embrace of his presence,
    Forever now enthralled

    Let oceans of joyous tears
    Be shed that we may cry
    For through these cleansing waters
    Do come a gentle sigh.

  9. Though they're gone, we'll keep them near In our hearts, they'll always be dear
    Condolence Messages

  10. I Will Give You Rest
    Poet: D. W. Phelps

    In hours of grief, oppressed with tribulation,
    When storms beat sore within the troubled breast,
    How sweet to know the author of salvation
    Said, "Come to me, and I will give you rest"!

    Those words attend, O mourner, sad and lonely;
    Our Lord on earth was often lone and sad.
    When loved ones sleep, the thought of Jesus only
    Can dry our tears and bid the heart be glad.

    The day draws nigh - how joyous the reflection! -
    When Christ shall come, descending from above.
    The Lord Himself, our life and resurrection,
    Shall crown us His whom now unseen we love.

  11. My Heart Aches
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    My heart aches for all that you feel,
    For the emptiness your heart conceals.
    The sudden goodbye so hard to take,
    And all the plans and dreams you cannot make.

    But know I'm here beside you so near,
    I wish I could ease your sorrowful fear.
    My words of comfort can scarcely convey,
    The feeling you have on this day.

    Yet through my grief few can compare,
    I pray God surrounds you with his loving care.

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