38 Quotes About The Future

What are your expectations for your future? Read these quotes about the future for thoughts on what the future may hold. Inspirational words from people who have given thought to what determines our future. You may be inspired by these poems about the future.

Quotes & Sayings  -    quotes about the future

  1. Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future. If we can acknowledge our fear, we can realize that right now we are okay.
    Thich Nhat Hanh

  2. You shape your future every day through the choices you make.
    Jason Harvey

  3. The choices we make today create the future we will experience tomorrow.
    Author Unknown

  4. The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.  C. S. Lewis
    We all have the same amount of time and no matter who we are or what we do, none of us can change this. You may also find inspiration in these time quotes.

  5. Appreciate the present moment fully, and the future will take care of itself.
    Author Unknown

  6. We have no control over our past or the future. But, we have total control over the present moment.
    Angela Peris

  7. The only way to predict the future is to create it.
    Author Unknown

  8. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt
    Our dreams, what we want to achieve, moves us in the direction we want to see our future. Let these dream quotes remind you of this.

  9. Love your past for the lessons it has given you, but don�t hover there. Turn and greet your future by facing forward.
    Beverly M. Breakey

  10. Struggle and disappointment are necessary ingredients to success both in the present and in the future.
    Britney Watkins

  11. As you venture towards new opportunities, know that you take with you our admiration and best wishes for a promising future.

  12. Nobody gets to write your destiny but you. Your future is in your hands. Barack Obama
    The choices we make determine our future, it is all up to us. Let these quotes about choices remind us to choose wisely.

  13. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness.
    Steve Maraboli

  14. Trusting God is not about having all the answers, but about knowing who holds the future.

  15. Wishes are the arrows that we shoot toward the future, hoping that they will hit the mark.
    Author Unknown

  16. You need to keep your emotions in balance, treading that fine line between commitment to your goals and disappointment when they do not come to fruition, whilst still being optimistic and positive about the future.
    Tom Laurie

  17. If you want to touch the future, touch a life. Author Unknown
    We have an impact on other people's lives when we help others, therefore affecting the future of that person. Our poems on life discuss many aspects of our lives and the future.

  18. May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past.
    Unknown, May Your

  19. The future belongs to those who are ready today so don't let your education go astray.
    C. A. Lynch, Education Is Our Portal

  20. When we trust in God, we can face the future with confidence, knowing that He holds it in His hands.
    Author Unknown

  21. If you have no vision of yourself in the future, then you have nothing to live for.
    Les Brown

  22. Always remember that the future comes one day at a time. Dean Acheson
    One day at a time, words that we all know. Time moves only a day at a time, no more, no less. Read our time poems which have thoughts about how time moves.

  23. So many have good resolutions they intend to carry out sometime in the future, but how few are doing their best today.
    Grace Gold, Life Is Short

  24. Keep your focus on the positive light and don't let the dark make your future sight obscure
    C. A. Lynch, Focus On The Positive

  25. The past is dead and buried, so embrace the present and look forward to the future.
    Craig Hamilton-Parker

  26. If you would do in the future what you really wish and pray, do at present what you can do and be happy while you try.
    Kate Louise Wheeler, Affluence

  27. Live in the present tense, facing the duty at hand without regret for the past or worry over the future.
    William de Witt Hyde

  28. Our imagination is the only limit to what we can hope to have in the future. Charles Kettering
    What gives us hope for the future, many things but like the quote states what we can imagine we can move toward. Be inspired by these inspirational quotes about hope for the future you would like to see.

  29. Create a future with your mind, not just false hopes from a dream. The key to success lies within and that life is yours to gleam!
    C. A. Lynch, Create A Future

  30. You strive to reach goals and make those dreams come true setting yourself up for a bright future view.
    Julie Hebert, Success Is A Journey

  31. Birthdays are a time to reflect on the past, appreciate the present, and hold no expectations for the future.
    Author Unknown

  32. Mistakes, don't forget to forgive yourself, you can't change what's already happened. But you can look to your future, be courageous, and be reconditioned.
    Julie Hebert, Mistakes Made

  33. Start today by imagining the life you want in the future and taking one practice step towards it. Denise Duffield Thomas
    Your future starts with what you do today. Be encouraged by our poems about today that talk about what you do with this day.

  34. Future birthdays come and go, no choice in that, matter of fact. The day we are born, birthdays are written in stone, part of our human contract!
    Julie Hebert, Sister, Today Is Your Birthday

  35. The future is filled with hope and possibilities
    Julie Hebert, Seasons of Life

  36. Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present. Bill Keane

  37. Trust that God has not just your present but also your future in mind and God is working on your behalf.
    Marsha Woodard

  38. We will pass through valleys of pain and darkness so deep. But take heart and look up; a brighter future we seek.
    C. A. Lynch, An Incredible Journey

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