Funny 40th Birthday Sayings & Quotes

Share these funny 40th birthday sayings with people when they turn forty. Celebrate this milestone of turning 40 in a lighthearted and positive manner. Turning forty can be seen as a significant step into middle age, which might make some individuals feel a bit apprehensive or reflective.

By sharing funny sayings, we remind the individual that age is just a number, even if the sayings poke fun at getting older. Getting older is a part of life's journey and a sense of humor is something we all need! You may also want to share one of our funny 40th birthday poems with the new forty year old!

Quotes & Sayings  -    Funny 40th Birthday Sayings & Quotes

  1. No worries, I'll keep your age at a timeless 39!

  2. Bad news you're 40, good news I'm not!

  3. They say 40 is age to perfection, similar to 40 is vintage.

  4. Sadly I regret to inform you that your thirties have expired!

  5. Life begins at 40
  6. Life begins at 40 - or so they say. I think it's just when the fun truly starts!

  7. Turning 40 is like leveling up in the game of life – more fun awaits!

  8. You're 40 and fabulous, just like fine wine. Cheers to you!

  9. Don't worry, 40 is the new 30...until you try to bend over to tie your shoes!

  10. Congrats on reaching the big 4-0. Now you can officially be a 'wise' guy!
  11. Congrats on reaching the big 4-0. Now you can officially be a 'wise' guy!

  12. They say that 40 is over the hill, but we all know you're just climbing mountains.

  13. Life at 40 is like a fine comedy - it gets better with age and laughter.

  14. Aged to perfection: just like a fine cheese...or a good excuse for a party!

  15. Don't worry about turning 40. You're still young at heart, even if your back disagrees.

  16. Forty is when your body gives your mind a reality check, but your spirit remains forever young.
  17. Forty is when your body gives your mind a reality check, but your spirit remains forever young.

  18. 40: the age when you start to trade your dreams for storage space.

  19. Congratulations on turning 40. You're not old; you're just well-seasoned!

  20. Life's too short to be serious at 40.

  21. 40 is the new 30, but with better stories and a few more wrinkles.

  22. You're like a classic car – vintage, stylish, and a whole lot of fun at 40!
  23. You're like a classic car – vintage, stylish, and a whole lot of fun at 40!

  24. 40 is when you realize that growing up is optional. Stay young at heart!

  25. At 40, you've leveled up in the game of life. May the next level be even more awesome!

  26. Age may be just a number, but at 40, you've got some impressive digits!

  27. Don't think of it as 40; think of it as 20 years of experience times 2!
  28. Don't think of it as 40; think of it as 20 years of experience times 2!

  29. Life begins at 40 but so do fallen arches, rheumatism, faulty eyesight, and the tendency to tell a story to the same person, three or four times. Helen Rowland

  30. At 40, you're as comfortable in your own skin as a pair of well-worn, laugh-inducing slippers. J. Hebert

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