40th Birthday Sayings and Quotes

Find 40th birthday sayings and quotes that you can send to the person turning 40. Some think turning forty is the end of the world, however, use these sayings to remind the birthday person that 40s can be the best time of their life.

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Quotes & Sayings  -    40th Birthday Sayings and Quotes

    Sayings for A Happy 40th Birthday:

  1. They say that 40 is the new 30!

  2. Life at 40 is a canvas; paint it with your brightest colors.

  3. Turning 40 is like finding the treasure map to your best years.

  4. At 40, you've only just begun to shine.

  5. The best is yet to come; 40 is just the prologue.

  6. 40 is a milestone, not a millstone.
  7. 40 is a milestone, not a millstone.

  8. You're not aging; you're upgrading to 'Fabulous 40' mode.

  9. Life's just getting started at 40; you're the star of your story.

  10. 40 isn't about losing youth; it's about gaining wisdom.

  11. 40 is not over the hill; turning 40 is more like being on top of the world!

  12. 40 is the age of reinvention; write your next chapter.

  13. Cheers to 40 years of laughter, love, and endless possibilities.
  14. Cheers to 40 years of laughter, love, and endless possibilities.

  15. Every day is a new adventure, especially at 40.

  16. 40 is when you become the hero of your own life story.

  17. Your 40s are your time to bloom and conquer.

  18. At 40, you're the masterpiece that's still a work in progress.

  19. Life begins at 40; it's a fresh start for your soul.

  20. 40: where experience and dreams unite for a fantastic journey.
  21. 40: where experience and dreams unite for a fantastic journey.

  22. Age is but a number; your spirit defines you at 40.

  23. The best view comes after the hardest climb � hello, 40!

  24. 40 is the age of possibilities; seize them with both hands.

  25. Your 40s are your opportunity to be unapologetically you.

  26. Age gracefully, and let your soul shine at 40.

  27. 40 is when you stop counting the years and start making them count.
  28. 40 is when you stop counting the years and start making them count.

  29. With 40 comes the power to redefine yourself � embrace it!

  30. You're not 40; you're 4 decades of wisdom and strength.

  31. 40: an age where dreams are not just chased but caught.

  32. The road to 40 is paved with laughter, lessons, and love.

  33. Quotes For The New 40 Year Old

  34. The great thing about getting older is that you don�t lose all the other ages you�ve been.
    Madeleine L�Engle

  35. Life begins at 40.
    Walter Pitkin

  36. Today is the oldest you�ve ever been, and the youngest you�ll ever be again.
  37. Today is the oldest you�ve ever been, and the youngest you�ll ever be again.
    Eleanor Roosevelt

  38. The first forty years of life give us the text: the next thirty supply the commentary.
    Arthur Schopenhauer

  39. Age 40? That's just a number. It's not a wall; it's a hurdle your mind can leap over.
    C. A. Lynch

  40. At 20 years of age the will reigns; at 30 the wit; at 40 the judgment.
    Benjamin Franklin

  41. Hitting 40 is a grand celebration of life, not a eulogy for your youth.
    Ann Jewels

  42. You�re not forty; you�re eighteen with twenty two
  43. You�re not forty; you�re eighteen with twenty two
    Author Unknown

  44. One of the many things nobody ever tells you about middle age is that it�s such a nice change from being young.
    Dorothy Canfield Fisher

  45. Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears.
    John Lennon

  46. My aim is to be the kind of 40-year-old who inspires others to say, "I want to be like you!"
    B. R. Clement

  47. At 40, all your hard work starts to fall into its rightful spots.
    Amy E. A. Inder

  48. Know that you are the perfect age. Each year is special and precious, for you shall only live it once. Be comfortable with growing older.
    Louise Hay

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