58 Quotes About Friends

Be inspired by these quotes about friends and share them with your friends. Friendships are incredibly significant in our lives, shaping who we are and how we navigate the world. They bring joy, support, and understanding into our days, making life richer and more meaningful.

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    Friends and Support

  1. "A sister is a forever friend, loving from beginning to end." - C. A. Lynch, A Forever Friend

  2. "Through the ups and downs, the twists and bends, you've been a guide, truly a friend." - C. A. Lynch, Grandma's Wisdom

  3. "Your tireless support means everything to me; my wish is to be a friend like thee." - C. A. Lynch, Forever Grateful

  4. A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down
  5. "A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down." - Arnold Glasow

  6. "Talking to a friend can help you overcome worry, and let you find the best way forward." - C. A. Lynch

  7. "A true friend will challenge you to become better because he appreciates the potential inside you." - Philip Freeman

  8. "Among the best ways of winning a friend is to provide love and support especially during a time another person needs it." Anna Everitt

  9. "Friends can be your biggest allies, share your struggles, lend you guide." - C. A. Lynch, A Long And Winding Road

  10. Related: Poems About Friends

    Appreciating Friends

  11. "Blessed with friends, my heart takes flight, they lift me up with their infinite might." - C. A. Lynch, The Blessing Of Friends

  12. "Here�s to good friends: one of life�s greatest treasures." - Ingrid Goff-Maidoff

  13. "From the moment of birth and until the end, a mother is a protector, a confidante, and a friend." - C. A. Lynch, Motherhood Is

  14. Make new friends, but don�t forget the old ones. Yiddish Proverb"

  15. "Dear friend with a smile so bright, may retirement open exciting doors!" - C. A. Lynch

  16. "My dad's my best mate, and he always will be." - Cher Lloyd

  17. Longtime friends are family that we choose.
  18. "Longtime friends are family that we choose." - Patrick Regan

  19. "Do not save your loving speeches for your friends till they are dead; Do not write them on their tombstones, speak them rather now instead." - Anna Cummins

  20. "Birthdays are a blast from the past. A place where memories are made, and friends become members of your cast." - Julie Hebert, Sister, Today Is Your Birthday

  21. Related: Birthday Blessings For A Friend

    The Essence of A Friend

  22. "A good friend is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have." - Irish Proverb

  23. "Remember that true friendship is the basis for any lasting relationship." - Author Unknown

  24. "Friendship is not threatened by honest criticism. It is strengthened." - Charles Swindoll

  25. "A marriage is having a best friend." - Tom S. Gold, A Marriage Is

  26. A friend is the hope of the heart.
  27. "A friend is the hope of the heart." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

  28. "Being a friend is a two-way street, where giving and receiving are equally important." - C. A. Lynch

  29. "A friend is like father who scolds you, like mother who caress you, like sister who teases you, like brother who fights you, in short combine all worldly relations you will have a friend and that�s what makes a friend above all relations. - Dr. Amanullah

  30. "A friend is someone who believes in you when faith is running low, and whose gentle words of wisdom help you choose which way to go." Author Unknown

  31. "Sometimes me think, �What is friend?� Then me say, �Friend is someone to share the last cookie with." - Cookie Monster

  32. "Friendship is one of life's greatest gifts, and I'm so thankful for friends who are always by my side." - C. A. Lynch

  33. Moments with Friends

  34. "Memories of times gone by with family and friends bringing joy and contentment in a carefree way." - C. A. Lynch, A Day To Celebrate

  35. "Friends are the most important part of your life. Treasure the tears, treasure the laughter, but most importantly, treasure the memories". Dave Brenner

  36. "My father, my buddy, my friend, oh how I love him. Wonderful moments we share, like no other can." - C. A. Lynch, Wonderful Moments

  37. "I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light." - Helen Keller

  38. "Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty." Sicilian Proverb

  39. No journey is too long when you have dependable friends by your side.
  40. "No journey is too long when you have dependable friends by your side." - C. A. Lynch

  41. "How beautiful it is to find someone who asks for nothing but your company." - Brigitte Nicole

  42. "Friendship is the key to a long and healthy marriage." - Julie Hebert

  43. Related: Birthday Poems For A Friend

    A Friend's Influence

  44. "Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life." - Amy Poehler

  45. "And always be the best of friends - love each other, on each other depend!" - C. A. Lynch, Do Some Things

  46. If you think someone could use a friend. Be one.
  47. "If you think someone could use a friend. Be one." - Author Unknown

  48. "Each of us is influenced by those around us � especially our friends � and they are influenced by us." - Kitty Chappell

  49. "No earthly friend can fill a mother's place!" - Author Unknown, A Mother's Place

  50. "Every friendship of ours is more or less closely connected with everything else about us: every one of our friends, the more so the more intimate we are, influences the direction our life takes, just as our life�s direction influences our choice of friends. Friendship is crucial to what most of us come to be in life." - Alexander Nehamas

  51. "When it comes to their behavior, teenagers will most likely be more influenced by their friends more than anybody else." Mary Appleton

  52. be the light that brightens your friend's day
  53. You have the power to make a positive impact on your life and those around you - be the light that brightens your friend's day! - C. A. Lynch

  54. "When life's journey becomes hard to bear, Christian friends become family, always there." - C. A. Lynch, Kindred Spirits

  55. Related: Christian Poems About Friendship

    Reflections on Friends

  56. "Thank God for the time we had, no better friend, ever so glad." - C. A. Lynch, Thank God For The Time

  57. "As we age, our friends become more precious like diamonds in the rough." - C. A. Lynch

  58. "Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends you choose for you will become like them." - W. Clement Stone

  59. "In moments of darkness, shadows prevail, but friendship's light will never fail." - C. A. Lynch, Friendship's Power

  60. A true friend sees the beauty in you that others may miss
  61. "A true friend sees the beauty in you that others may miss, and will never ask you to be anything but yourself." - C. A. Lynch

  62. "I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let�s face it, friends make life a lot more fun." Charles R Swindoll

  63. "Forget the peculiarities of your friends, and only remember the good points which make you fond of them." - Author Unknown, What To Forget

  64. "Letting your friends know you take their problems and concerns seriously and being willing to open up to them as well is important. Nothing demonstrates trustworthiness more than trusting someone else." - Robert Garfield

  65. "Friend smiles on friend." - H. B. Stowe, Peace & Goodwill

  66. Wishes for Friends

  67. "May you have money to spare, and friends and family galore. You deserve nothing but the best, to someone special who is loved and adored." - Julie Hebert, A Poem For Thee

  68. "Happy Birthday best friend...relax and do your fav's, enjoy some fun in the sun." - Julie Hebert, Happy Birthday Friend

  69. "To a friend who feels like family, may only the best be in your future."

  70. "If I am 'sour', friends are few; if I am friendly, folks are, too." - Unknown, A Funny Thing

  71. "Your schooling gives you knowledge to be strong and true....The friends that you make along the way are priceless indeed." - C. A. Lynch, Your Schooling

  72. Related: Graduation Wishes For A Friend

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