Thanksgiving Prayers

There is no better time to pray than on Thanksgiving Day - a day to give thanks. Use our Thanksgiving prayers to offer thanks for all that you have. But of course, these prayers can be prayed anytime, any day as when we pray giving thanks should always be included for all that we have in our lives.

Give thanks to a wonderful God who cares not only about our well being but about those around us. He wants nothing more than for us to have everything we need in life and are happy. We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day surrounded by those who love you and who you love in return.

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  1. The Prayer Within
    by Dr. T. Wilkins

    Oh, God, We bow our heads to Thee in thanks for all this glittering wealth;
    These clothes, our food, our jewels, to all our children health;

    These palace walls that keep us warm, this costly furniture,
    That fill our hearts with pride and weal, and makes us feel secure;

    Thou hast blessed us all with stomachs full and purses as replete;
    Hast given us from stores of earth, in heaven a promised seat;

    Hast given us that others earned because we every day
    Leaned hard on Thee in all our work and ne'er forgot to pray;

    For all these things we thank Thee, God, and ask Thee once again
    To love and bless us chosen ones, for Jesus' sake � Amen.

  2. Thanksgiving poems to share:

    Christian Poems For Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving Blessings

    More Prayers To Give Thanks:

  3. Father
    Our thanks for being able to share this Thanksgiving
    with the people gathered around this table.
    We thank you for this food and ask for a blessing
    on those who prepared it.
    We thank you for our family and friends.
    We thank you for our homes
    We thank you for the peace we enjoy and
    We pray for those in war-torn countries,
    We pray for those who don't have enough food
    We pray for the homeless.
    Father, please help those in need.
    And may our eyes always see the good we can do
    in Your name to help others.
    Thank you Father for your love and
    For Jesus who suffered for our sins.
    We pray to you in the name of Jesus.

  4. Our Father in Heaven,
    help us to see all of our blessings,
    those that are obvious and those that are not.
    Help us to be thankful for all of our blessings,
    those that are good, and those that don't seem good.
    Help us to someday look back at our lives and
    make sense of the times we didn't understand
    so we can feel even more thankful and close to you Lord.

  5. Heavenly Father,
    You are so good to us.
    Teach us to follow in your footsteps.
    Teach us to be kind and generous.
    Teach us to love unconditionally.
    Teach us whatever it is that You feel we need to learn.
    Thank You for your continuous love.

  6. My Lord,
    you have taken great care of me in the past
    and I have no doubt you will continue to do so in the future.
    May you help to guide me in your way and teach me all the things
    I need to know in order to follow you faithfully.
    I give you thanks for your goodness and mercy.

  7. God Almighty,
    I ask for your forgiveness in order for me to move on in my faith.
    I pray you will guide me and show me the path of righteousness.
    Please help me to be the best me I can be so I may become
    even a fraction of the good you are.

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